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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, D, 2E, F, N and O

AFFECTIONEDaffectioned adj. (Archaic) Feeling a certain affection for; disposed.
affectioned adj. (Archaic) affected, pompous.
affectioned adj. (Archaic) obstinate, willful.
CODEFENDANTcodefendant n. (Law) Any of several defendants answering the same charge.
co-defendant n. Alternative spelling of codefendant.
CODEFENDANT n. a joint defendant.
CONFEDERACYconfederacy n. An alliance.
confederacy n. (Politics) A state where the sovereign constituent units delegate their authority to the centre. As…
confederacy n. Specifically, an instance of a decentralized governing structure among the indigenous peoples of North America.
CONFEDERATEconfederate n. A member of a confederacy.
confederate n. An accomplice in a plot.
confederate n. (Psychology) An actor who participates in a psychological experiment pretending to be a subject but…
DEFAECATIONdefaecation n. Alternative form of defecation.
defæcation n. Obsolete spelling of defecation.
DEFAECATION n. the expulsion of solid waste from the body, also DEFECATION.
DEFECATIONSdefecations n. Plural of defecation.
DEFECATION n. the act of defecating, also DEFAECATION.
DEFLEXIONALdeflexional adj. Dated form of deflectional.
DEFLEXIONAL adj. showing deflexion, also DEFLECTIONAL.
FAVOREDNESSfavoredness n. (Obsolete) appearance.
FAVOREDNESS n. the state of being favored.
FAZENDEIROSFAZENDEIRO n. a person who owns or runs a fazenda.
FEDERATIONSfederations n. Plural of federation.
FEDERATION n. a federal government.
FOREPLANNEDforeplanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreplan.
FOREPLAN v. to plan beforehand.
FOREREADINGforereading v. Present participle of foreread.
FOREREADING n. a foretelling.
FORWANDEREDforwandered v. Simple past tense and past participle of forwander.
FORWANDER v. (archaic) to wander away; to go astray.
FREELOADINGfreeloading v. Present participle of freeload.
freeloading n. The act of one who freeloads.
FREELOADING n. eating at someone else's expense, gaining from someone else's efforts.
MANIFESTOEDmanifestoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of manifesto.
MANIFESTO v. to issue a manifesto.
REFASHIONEDrefashioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of refashion.
REFASHION v. to fashion again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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