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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 2D, I, 2R and S

DASTARDLIERdastardlier adj. Comparative form of dastardly: more dastardly.
DASTARDLY adj. like a dastard, despicable.
DISARRANGEDdisarranged v. Simple past tense and past participle of disarrange.
DISARRANGE v. to disturb the arrangement of.
DISREGARDEDdisregarded adj. Ignored.
disregarded adj. Neglected.
disregarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of disregard.
DISREGARDERdisregarder n. One who disregards.
DISREGARDER n. one who disregards.
DOLLARBIRDSdollarbirds n. Plural of dollarbird.
DOLLARBIRD n. a bird of the roller family, found in S and SE Asia and Australia, with a round white spot on each wing.
DRAINBOARDSdrainboards n. Plural of drainboard.
DRAINBOARD n. a sloping grooved board or surface, on which washed dishes are left to drain, typically into a sink.
DRAWBRIDGESdrawbridges n. Plural of drawbridge.
draw␣bridges n. Plural of draw bridge.
DRAWBRIDGE n. a bridge that can be drawn up or let down as required.
DREARIHEADSDREARIHEAD n. (Spenser) affliction; dreariness, also DREARIHOOD, DRERIHEAD.
DREARIHOODSDREARIHOOD n. (Spenser) affliction; dreariness, also DREARIHEAD, DRERIHEAD.
DROMEDARIESdromedaries n. Plural of dromedary.
dromedaries n. Plural of dromedarie (“obsolete spelling of dromedary”).
DROMEDARY n. the Arabian camel, having one hump or protuberance on the back, in distinction from the Bactrian camel, which has two humps, also DROMEDARE.
DUNDREARIESdundrearies n. Plural of Dundreary.
Dundrearies n. Plural of Dundreary.
DUNDREARIES n. long flowing sideburns.
MISREGARDEDmisregarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of misregard.
MISREGARD v. (Spenser) to have no regard for.
RITARDANDOSritardandos n. Plural of ritardando.
RITARDANDO n. (Italian) a musical passage with a gradual slackening of tempo, also RITARD.
SHERARDISEDsherardised v. Simple past tense and past participle of sherardise.
SHERARDISE v. to coat with zinc by heating with zinc-dust in a vacuum, also SHERARDIZE.
SHERARDIZEDsherardized v. Simple past tense and past participle of sherardize.
SHERARDIZE v. to coat with zinc by heating with zinc-dust in a vacuum, also SHERARDISE.
TARDIGRADEStardigrades n. Plural of tardigrade.
TARDIGRADE n. an arthropod with eight legs living in water or damp moss.
UNDERDRAINSunderdrains n. Plural of underdrain.
underdrains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underdrain.
UNDERDRAIN v. to drain by deep underground ditches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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