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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 2D, I, L and 2N

DEADENINGLYdeadeningly adv. In a deadening manner.
DEMANDINGLYdemandingly adv. In a demanding way.
DEMANDING adv. DEMAND, to ask for with authority.
DISANNULLEDdisannulled v. Simple past tense and past participle of disannul.
DISANNUL v. to annul completely.
DOWNLOADINGdownloading v. Present participle and gerund of download.
DOWNLOADING n. the act of obtaining data files from the Internet.
HINDERLANDShinderlands n. Plural of hinderland.
LANDDAMNINGLANDDAMNE v. (Shakespeare) to abuse with violence.
LANDHOLDINGlandholding n. A piece of property (land) that is held (owned).
landholding n. The state or practice of owning land.
LANDHOLDING n. the state or fact of holding or owning land.
LANDSLIDDENLANDSLIDE v. to win an election by a huge majority.
LANDSLIDINGlandsliding n. Landslide.
LANDSLIDE v. to win an election by a huge majority.
MADDENINGLYmaddeningly adv. In a maddening manner.
MADDENING adv. MADDEN, to make or become mad.
NONDISABLEDnondisabled adj. (Of people) Not disabled.
NONDISABLED adj. not disabled.
UNSWADDLINGunswaddling v. Present participle of unswaddle.
UNSWADDLE v. to take a swaddle from; to unswathe.
WINDLOADINGSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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