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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2P, R, S and T

APOSTROPHICapostrophic adj. (Rhetoric) Pertaining to the rhetoric use of, or using, apostrophe (sudden, exclamatory dialogue).
apostrophic adj. (Orthography) Pertaining to the grammatical use of, or using, the apostrophe (the diacritical mark ’).
APOSTROPHIC adj. relating to apostrophe.
APPLICATORSapplicators n. Plural of applicator.
APPLICATOR n. a device used to applicate something.
APPRECIATESappreciates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appreciate.
APPRECIATE v. to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of.
APPRENTICESapprentices n. Plural of apprentice.
apprentices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apprentice.
APPRENTICE v. to set someone to work to learn a trade.
CONTRAPROPSCONTRAPROP n. a contra-rotating propeller.
HIPPIATRICShippiatrics n. Synonym of hippiatry.
HIPPIATRICS n. the study of the diseases of horses.
PARTICIPLESparticiples n. Plural of participle.
PARTICIPLE n. a word having the characteristics of both verb and adjective.
PICTOGRAPHSpictographs n. Plural of pictograph.
PICTOGRAPH n. a picture used as a symbol for a word or phrase.
PRESYNAPTICpresynaptic adj. (Cytology) In a synapse, of or pertaining to the neuron that releases neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
pre-synaptic adj. Alternative form of presynaptic.
PRESYNAPTIC adj. relating to a neuron by which a nerve impulse is conveyed to a synapse.
PRINCIPATESprincipates n. Plural of principate.
PRINCIPATE n. principality; supreme rule.
SAPROPHYTICsaprophytic adj. Relating to saprophytes.
SAPROPHYTIC adj. relating to a saprophyte.
SUPPORTANCEsupportance n. (Obsolete) support.
SUPPORTANCE n. (Shakespeare) support.
TAPESCRIPTStapescripts n. Plural of tapescript.
TAPESCRIPT n. a tape-recorded reading of a complete script.
TOUCHPAPERStouchpapers n. Plural of touchpaper.
touch-papers n. Plural of touch-paper.
TOUCHPAPER n. paper soaked in saltpetre and used for firing gunpowder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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