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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2O and 3S

ASSOCIATORSassociators n. Plural of associator.
ASSOCIATOR n. one who associates.
AUTOCROSSESautocrosses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autocross.
AUTOCROSS n. motor racing round a rough grass track.
COMPASSIONScompassions n. Plural of compassion.
COMPASSION v. (archaic) to pity.
ICONOSTASESiconostases n. Plural of iconostasis.
ICONOSTAS n. (Greek) in Eastern churches, a screen separating the sanctuary from the nave, also ICONOSTASIS.
ICONOSTASISiconostasis n. (Eastern Orthodoxy) A wall of icons between the sanctuary and the nave in a church of eastern Christendom.
ICONOSTASIS n. (Greek) in Eastern churches, a screen separating the sanctuary from the nave, also ICONOSTAS.
OSTEOCLASESosteoclases n. Plural of osteoclasis.
OSTEOCLASIS n. the surgical breaking of a bone.
OSTEOCLASISosteoclasis n. (Medicine) The surgical fracture of a bone in order to correct a deformity.
OSTEOCLASIS n. the surgical breaking of a bone.
OSTEOCLASTSosteoclasts n. Plural of osteoclast.
OSTEOCLAST n. an instrument used in osteoclasis.
SARCOIDOSESsarcoidoses n. Plural of sarcoidosis.
SARCOIDOSIS n. a medical condition characterized by the formation of nodules, esp. in lymph nodes and lungs.
SARCOIDOSISsarcoidosis n. (Medicine) A multisystem disorder characterized by granulomas.
SARCOIDOSIS n. a medical condition characterized by the formation of nodules, esp. in lymph nodes and lungs.
STATOSCOPESstatoscopes n. Plural of statoscope.
STATOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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