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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, C, M, P, S, T and Y

AMPHICTYONSamphictyons n. Plural of amphictyon.
AMPHICTYON n. (historical) a delegate to a council of an amphictyony, a group of states sharing common shrine (e.g. the Greek states sharing Delphi).
CHROMATYPESchromatypes n. Plural of chromatype.
CHROMATYPE n. a colored photographic picture taken upon paper made sensitive with potassium bichromate or some other salt of chromium.
CRYPTOGRAMScryptograms n. Plural of cryptogram.
CRYPTOGRAM n. anything written in cipher, also CRYPTOGRAPH.
CYTOPLASMICcytoplasmic adj. (Cytology) Of or pertaining to cytoplasm.
CYTOPLASMIC adj. relating to cytoplasm.
MACROPHYTESmacrophytes n. Plural of macrophyte.
MACROPHYTE n. a macroscopic plant in an aquatic environment.
METAPHYSICSmetaphysics n. (Philosophy, uncountable) The branch of philosophy which studies fundamental principles intended to…
metaphysics n. (Philosophy, countable) The view or theory of a particular philosopher or school of thinkers concerning…
metaphysics n. (Logic, uncountable, by extension from the philosophical sense) The metalogic of physics; the logical…
METAPSYCHICmetapsychic adj. Being or pertaining to something (for example, telepathy) that is outside the realm of orthodox psychology…
METAPSYCHIC adj. relating to metapsychics, the study of psychic phenomena beyond the limits of ordinary or orthodox psychology, also METAPSYCHICAL.
MYCOPHAGISTmycophagist n. A person who eats fungi.
mycophagist n. An organism or animal that feeds on fungi.
MYCOPHAGIST n. an eater of mushrooms.
PACHYMETERSpachymeters n. Plural of pachymeter.
PACHYMETER n. an instrument for measuring small thicknesses.
PATRONYMICSpatronymics n. Plural of patronymic.
PATRONYMIC n. a name so derived.
PHAGOCYTISMphagocytism n. The nature or function of a phagocyte.
PHAGOCYTISM n. the nature or function of a phagocyte.
PLASMOLYTICplasmolytic adj. Relating to plasmolysis.
PLASMOLYTIC adj. relating to plasmolysis.
POLYMASTICSPOLYMASTIC n. a person having more than the normal number of breasts.
SCYPHISTOMAscyphistoma n. (Zoology) The young attached larva of Discophora in the stage when it resembles a hydroid, or actinian.
SCYPHISTOMA n. the fixed polypoid stage in the life cycle of a scyphozoan, which reproduces asexually by budding or strobilation.
SPASMOLYTICspasmolytic adj. (Medicine) antispastic, antispasmodic.
spasmolytic n. Any antispastic drug.
SPASMOLYTIC adj. having the power to relieve spasms or convulsions.
SYMPATHETICsympathetic adj. Of, related to, feeling, showing, or characterized by sympathy.
sympathetic adj. (Of a person) Attracting the liking of others.
sympathetic adj. (Relational) Relating to, producing, or denoting an effect which arises through an affinity, interdependence…
SYMPTOMATICsymptomatic adj. (Medicine) Showing symptoms.
symptomatic adj. Relating to, based on, or constituting a symptom.
symptomatic adj. (Medicine) Relating to symptomatics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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