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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing A, C, M, N, P and 2T

ACCOMPTANTSaccomptants n. Plural of accomptant.
ACCOMPTANT n. an accountant, also ACCOUNTANT.
COMPARTMENTcompartment n. A room, or section, or chamber.
compartment n. One of the parts into which an area is subdivided.
compartment n. (Biochemistry) Part of a protein that serves a specific function.
COMPOTATIONcompotation n. (Archaic) The social act of drinking together.
COMPOTATION n. an act of carousing in company.
COMPUTATIONcomputation n. The act or process of computing; calculation; reckoning.
computation n. The result of computation; the amount computed.
COMPUTATION n. the act or action of computing.
CONTEMPLANTcontemplant adj. (Archaic) Given to contemplation; meditative.
contemplant n. (Archaic) One who contemplates.
CONTEMPLANT n. one who contemplates.
CONTEMPLATEcontemplate v. To look at on all sides or in all its aspects; to view or consider with continued attention; to regard…
contemplate v. To consider as a possibility.
CONTEMPLATE v. to view or consider with continued attention.
PERMITTANCEpermittance n. The act of permitting; allowance; permission; leave.
permittance n. (Electricity) The power of a dielectric to permit or enhance induction.
PERMITTANCE n. permission.
PHANTOMATICphantomatic adj. (Obsolete) phantasmal.
PHANTOMATIC adj. (archaic) relating to a phantom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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