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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, M, 2N, T and U

ACUMINATINGacuminating v. Present participle of acuminate.
ACUMINATE v. to sharpen.
ACUMINATIONacumination n. A sharpening; termination in a sharp point; a tapering point.
ACUMINATION n. the state of being acuminate.
COMMUNICANTcommunicant n. (Christianity) A person who receives (or is allowed to receive) the elements (i.e., bread and wine)…
communicant n. One who communicates.
communicant adj. Communicating.
CONNUMERATEconnumerate v. (Transitive) To count together.
CONNUMERATE v. to count together.
COUNTERMANDcountermand v. To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given.
countermand v. To recall a person or unit with such an order.
countermand v. To cancel an order for (some specified goods).
CULMINATINGculminating v. Present participle of culminate.
CULMINATE v. to climax.
CULMINATIONculmination n. (Astronomy) The attainment of the highest point of altitude reached by a heavenly body; passage across…
culmination n. Attainment or arrival at the highest pitch of glory, power, etc.
culmination n. (US) A ceremony marking the completion of studies at an elementary school, middle school or junior high…
MALFUNCTIONmalfunction n. Faulty functioning.
malfunction n. Failure to function.
malfunction v. To function improperly.
MANDUCATINGmanducating v. Present participle of manducate.
MANDUCATE v. to chew or eat.
MANDUCATIONmanducation n. The act of eating.
manducation n. (Christianity) The belief that eating the bread of Eucharist is eating the actual flesh of Jesus.
MANDUCATION n. chewing.
MOUNTENANCEmountenance n. (Obsolete) A given amount, value, or extent of time or distance.
MOUNTENANCE n. (Spenser) amount; distance, also MOUNTENAUNCE.
MUCRONATIONmucronation n. The property of being mucronate.
mucronation n. A mucronate structure.
MUCRONATION n. the state of being mucronate.
UNCINEMATICuncinematic adj. Not cinematic.
UNCINEMATIC adj. not related to the cinema.
UNCOMPLIANTuncompliant adj. (Archaic) incompliant.
UNCOMPLIANT adj. not compliant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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