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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing A, C, M, 2N, P and T

COMPLAINANTcomplainant n. (Law) The party that brings a civil lawsuit against another; the plaintiff.
complainant n. (Law) An alleged victim in a criminal investigation or trial.
complainant n. One who makes complaint.
COMPONENTALcomponental adj. Having or relating to components.
COMPONENTAL adj. relating to a component, also COMPONENTIAL.
CONTEMPLANTcontemplant adj. (Archaic) Given to contemplation; meditative.
contemplant n. (Archaic) One who contemplates.
CONTEMPLANT n. one who contemplates.
ENCAMPMENTSencampments n. Plural of encampment.
ENCAMPMENT n. the place where a group (as a body of troops) is encamped.
INCOMPLIANTincompliant adj. Not compliant.
INCOMPLIANT adj. not compliant.
MANCIPATINGmancipating v. Present participle of mancipate.
MANCIPATE v. to enslave.
MANCIPATIONmancipation n. (Obsolete) Slavery.
mancipation n. (Historical) In Ancient Rome, a legal formality for acquiring title to property by actual or by simulated purchase.
MANCIPATION n. (historical) legal transfer by actual or symbolic sale.
NONEMPHATICnonemphatic adj. Not emphatic.
NONEMPHATIC adj. not emphatic.
UNCOMPLIANTuncompliant adj. (Archaic) incompliant.
UNCOMPLIANT adj. not compliant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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