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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2M, 2O and R

CHROMOGRAMSCHROMOGRAM n. a combination of photographs in different colours.
CHROMONEMALCHROMONEMAL adj. relating to a chromonema, also CHROMONEMIC.
CHROMOSOMALchromosomal adj. Of or relating to chromosomes.
CHROMOSOMAL adj. relating to a chromosome.
COMMEMORATEcommemorate v. (Transitive) To honour the memory of someone or something with a ceremony or object.
commemorate v. (Transitive) To serve as a memorial to someone or something.
COMMEMORATE v. to call to remembrance.
COMMENDATORcommendator n. (Obsolete) A cleric who held a commendam.
COMMENDATOR n. a person who holds a benefice in commendam; a titular abbot, etc.
COMMENTATORcommentator n. A person who comments; especially someone who is paid to give his/her opinions in the media about current…
commentator n. (Historical, law) A medieval legal scholar who authored prose commentaries on civil law; (specifically)…
Commentator n. Alternative letter-case form of commentator (medieval legal scholar).
COMMINATORYcomminatory adj. Of or pertaining to commination.
COMMINATORY adj. threatening punishment, also COMMINATIVE.
COMMUTATORScommutators n. Plural of commutator.
COMMUTATOR n. a thing which commutes; specifically a device for commutating an electric current.
COMPRIMARIOcomprimario n. A secondary singer, often in opera.
COMPRIMARIO n. in opera or ballet, a role of secondary importance; a singer or dancer playing such a role.
CONSUMMATORconsummator n. One who consummates.
CONSUMMATOR n. one who consummates.
HAEMOCHROMEhaemochrome n. Alternative form of haemachrome.
HAEMOCHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HEMOCHROME.
MACROCOSMICmacrocosmic adj. Of or pertaining to the macrocosm (universe).
MACROCOSMIC adj. relating to a macrocosm.
MONOCHROMATmonochromat n. One whose vision exhibits monochromacy; one who is completely color blind.
MONOCHROMAT n. a person who sees all colours as different shades of a single colour, also MONOCHROMATE.
SCHOOLMARMSschoolmarms n. Plural of schoolmarm.
school-marms n. Plural of school-marm (alternative spelling of schoolmarms).
SCHOOLMARM n. a woman who is a schoolteacher, especially in a rural or small-town school.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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