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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing A, C, L, 2S and 2U

ASTUCIOUSLYastuciously adv. Astutely.
ASTUCIOUS adv. (Scott) of astute and penetrating discernment.
AUSCULTATESauscultates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of auscultate.
AUSCULTATE v. to listen to the sounds made by internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) to aid in a medical diagnosis.
GLUCOSURIASglucosurias n. Plural of glucosuria.
GLUCOSURIA n. a condition in which glucose is discharged in the urine, also GLYCOSURIA.
SCABERULOUSscaberulous adj. (Botany) slightly scabrous or roughened.
SCABERULOUS adj. (archaic) somewhat scabrous or rough.
SIMULACRUMSsimulacrums n. Plural of simulacrum.
SIMULACRUM n. (Latin) an image, a semblance, also SIMULACRE.
SUBCAPSULARsubcapsular adj. (Anatomy) Below the capsule (of a joint, kidney etc).
subcapsular adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a subcapsule.
SUBCAPSULAR adj. situated or occurring beneath or within a capsule.
SUBSCAPULARsubscapular adj. (Anatomy) Situated beneath the scapula; infrascapular.
subscapular n. A subscapular vessel or nerve.
SUBSCAPULAR adj. below (in man in front of) the shoulder-blade.
SUCCURSALESSUCCURSALE n. a branch or subsidiary establishment, esp. religious, also SUCCURSAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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