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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2L, N, P and T

COMPLIANTLYcompliantly adv. In a compliant manner.
COMPLIANT adv. yielding.
CRAPULENTLYCRAPULENT adv. suffering from overindulgence in food or drink, also CRAPULOUS.
CUPELLATIONcupellation n. The assaying of precious metal in a cupel.
CUPELLATION n. assaying or refining using a cupel; the separation of silver from lead in this way.
IMPLACENTALimplacental adj. (Zoology) Without a placenta, as marsupials and monotremes.
implacental n. (Zoology) A mammal having no placenta.
IMPLACENTAL adj. having no placenta, also APLACENTAL.
PATROCLINALPATROCLINAL adj. of animals and plants, showing the characters of the male parent, also PATRICLINIC, PATROCLINOUS.
PENICILLATEpenicillate adj. (Botany, zoology) Having tufts of fine hairs, or in the form of a tuft of fine hairs.
PENICILLATE adj. like a tuft of hairs.
PLACATINGLYplacatingly adv. In a manner that serves to placate.
PLACATING adv. PLACATE, to conciliate.
POLYACTINALpolyactinal adj. (Zoology) Having many rays; relating to a polyactine.
POLYACTINAL adj. of a marine animal, having many rays or tentacles, also POLYACT, POLYACTINE.
SPLENETICALsplenetical adj. Alternative form of splenetic.
SPLENETICAL adj. marked by bad temper, malevolence or spite.
UNPOLITICALunpolitical adj. Not political.
UNPOLITICAL adj. not political.
UNTYPICALLYuntypically adv. Alternative form of atypically.
UNTYPICAL adv. not typical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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