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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2L, 2N and S

ANTICLINALSanticlinals n. Plural of anticlinal.
ANTICLINAL n. an anticlinal fold, axis, crest, or line; a line whence strata dip in opposite directions.
CANNELLINIScannellinis n. Plural of cannellini.
CANNELLINI n. (Italian) the white haricot beans used in French and Italian cooking, also CANELLINI.
CANNONBALLScannonballs n. Plural of cannonball.
cannonballs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cannonball.
cannon-balls n. Plural of cannon-ball.
CHANNELLERSchannellers n. Plural of channeller.
CHANNELLER n. one who channels, a spirit medium, also CHANNELER.
CLEANLINESScleanliness n. The property of being cleanly, or habitually clean; good hygiene.
cleanliness n. Ritual purity.
CLEANLINESS n. the state of being cleanly.
MONOCLONALSmonoclonals n. Plural of monoclonal.
MONOCLONAL n. a monoclonal antibody.
NONSYLLABICnonsyllabic adj. Not syllabic.
non-syllabic adj. Alternative form of nonsyllabic.
NONSYLLABIC n. a sound in speech that does not qualify as a syllable.
SCANDALLINGscandalling v. Present participle of scandal.
SCANDAL v. to defame.
SCINTILLANTscintillant adj. That scintillates.
SCINTILLANT adj. sparkling.
SLACKLININGslacklining n. A sport resembling tightrope walking but with the rope or webbing only partially taut.
slacklining v. Present participle of slackline.
SLACKLINING n. the activity of walking across a narrow line of synthetic webbing hung slackly above the ground.
SPANCELLINGspancelling v. Present participle of spancel.
SPANCEL v. to bind with a rope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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