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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, C, I and 4S

ABSCISSIONSabscissions n. Plural of abscission.
ABSCISSION n. the act of cutting off.
ASSISTANCESassistances n. Plural of assistance.
ASSISTANCE n. the act of assisting or the help supplied.
CLASSICISESclassicises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of classicise.
CLASSICISE v. to make classical, also CLASSICIZE.
CLASSICISMSclassicisms n. Plural of classicism.
CLASSICISM n. the principles or style embodied in the literature, art, or architecture of ancient Greece and Rome.
CLASSICISTSclassicists n. Plural of classicist.
CLASSICIST n. an advocate or follower of classicism.
DISCUSSANTSdiscussants n. Plural of discussant.
DISCUSSANT n. one who takes part in a formal symposium.
NARCISSISMSnarcissisms n. Plural of narcissism.
NARCISSISM n. excessive love of oneself, also NARCISM.
NARCISSISTSnarcissists n. Plural of narcissist.
NARCISSIST n. one given to narcism, excessive love of oneself, also NARCIST.
NARCISSUSESnarcissuses n. Plural of narcissus.
NARCISSUS n. any of numerous bulbous spring-flowering plants of the genus Narcissus.
SAUCINESSESsaucinesses n. Plural of sauciness.
SAUCINESS n. the state of being saucy.
SCALINESSESSCALINESS n. the state of being scaly.
SCARINESSESSCARINESS n. the quality of being scary.
SEASICKNESSseasickness n. Nausea, dizziness etc caused by the motion of a ship; a form of motion sickness.
sea-sickness n. Alternative spelling of seasickness.
SEASICKNESS n. motion sickness experienced on the water.
SPACINESSESSPACINESS n. the state of being spacy.
SYSSARCOSISsyssarcosis n. (Anatomy) The junction of bones by intervening muscles.
SYSSARCOSIS n. the union of bones, as the hyoid bone (the U-shaped bone at the base of the mouth) and the lower jaw, by muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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