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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, I, N, 2R and V

ARRIVANCIESARRIVANCY n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCE.
CARNIVORANScarnivorans n. Plural of carnivoran.
CARNIVORIESCARNIVORY n. the state of being a carnivore.
CARNIVOROUScarnivorous adj. Of, or relating to carnivores, or the taxonomic order Carnivora.
carnivorous adj. Predatory or flesh-eating.
carnivorous adj. (Botany) Insectivorous: capable of trapping insects and absorbing nutrient from them.
CORONAVIRUScoronavirus n. (Virology) A member of the family Coronaviridaews, comprising viruses which infect animals and human…
coronavirus n. (Metonymically) An illness caused by a coronavirus.
Coronavirus prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of coronavirus (“the virus SARS-CoV-2 or the disease COVID-19”).
CURVILINEARcurvilinear adj. (Of a line) Having bends; curved; curvilineal.
curvilinear adj. (Geometry, art) Formed by curved lines.
CURVILINEAR adj. bounded by curved lines, also CURVILINEAL.
INCURVATUREincurvature n. Curvature; curving.
INCURVATURE n. the state of being incurved.
IRRELEVANCEirrelevance n. Lack of relationship with the topic at hand; lack of importance.
IRRELEVANCE n. the state of being irrelevant, also IRRELEVANCY.
IRRELEVANCYirrelevancy n. (Uncountable) The quality of being irrelevant or inapplicable; lack of pertinence or connection.
irrelevancy n. (Countable) A thing that is irrelevant—having no bearing on the subject of discussion.
IRRELEVANCY n. the state of being irrelevant, also IRRELEVANCE.
OVERARCHINGoverarching v. Present participle of overarch.
overarching adj. That forms an overhead arch.
overarching adj. (By extension) all-embracing or overwhelming.
OVERCRAWINGOVERCRAW v. (Spenser) to triumph over, also OVERCROW.
OVERRACKINGoverracking v. Present participle of overrack.
OVERRACK v. to overstrain.
TRANSCEIVERtransceiver n. A combined radio transmitter and receiver.
transceiver n. (Computing) A device that performs transmitting and receiving functions, especially if using common components.
TRANSCEIVER n. a radio transmitterreceiver that uses many of the same components for both transmission and reception.
VENTRICULARventricular adj. Of or relating to a ventricle or ventriculus.
VENTRICULAR adj. of, relating to, or being a ventricle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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