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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, I, 2N, P and U

CHINQUAPINSchinquapins n. Plural of chinquapin.
CHINQUAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINCAPIN, CHINKAPIN.
CORNUCOPIANcornucopian adj. In great abundance, very abundant.
CORNUCOPIAN adj. of the nature of a cornucopia.
ENCAPSULINGencapsuling v. Present participle of encapsule.
ENCAPSULE v. to encapsulate.
INCULPATINGinculpating v. Present participle of inculpate.
INCULPATE v. to blame; to incriminate.
INCULPATIONinculpation n. Blame; censure; crimination.
INCULPATION n. the act of inculpating.
NUNCUPATINGnuncupating v. Present participle of nuncupate.
NUNCUPATE v. to utter as a vow.
NUNCUPATIONnuncupation n. (Obsolete) The act of nuncupating.
NUNCUPATION n. the act of uttering a vow.
NUNCUPATIVEnuncupative adj. Oral; not written.
nuncupative adj. (Obsolete) Publicly or solemnly declaratory.
nuncupative adj. (Obsolete) Nominal; existing only in name.
PAUNCHINESSpaunchiness n. The state or condition of being paunchy.
PAUNCHINESS n. the state of being paunchy.
PUNCTATIONSpunctations n. Plural of punctation.
PUNCTATION n. dotting, pitting.
PUNCTUATINGpunctuating v. Present participle of punctuate.
PUNCTUATE v. to mark with points; to mark a piece of writing with commas, full stops etc.
PUNCTUATIONpunctuation n. A set of symbols and marks which are used to clarify meaning in text by separating strings of words…
punctuation n. An act of punctuating.
PUNCTUATION n. the act of punctuating.
UNCAPTIONEDuncaptioned adj. Not given a caption.
UNCAPTIONED adj. not captioned.
UNCOMPANIEDuncompanied adj. (Archaic) unaccompanied; alone.
UNCOMPANIED adj. unaccompanied.
UNCOMPLIANTuncompliant adj. (Archaic) incompliant.
UNCOMPLIANT adj. not compliant.
UNPREACHINGunpreaching v. Present participle of unpreach.
UNPREACH v. to recant in preaching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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