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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, C, H, 2R and 2T

ARTHRECTOMYarthrectomy n. (Surgery) excision of a joint.
ARTHRECTOMY n. the surgical excision of a joint.
AUTHORCRAFTauthorcraft n. The craft of an author; the writing of books.
AUTHORCRAFT n. the craft of the author.
CARTWRIGHTScartwrights n. Plural of cartwright.
CARTWRIGHT n. a maker of carts.
CRYPTARITHMcryptarithm n. Synonym of alphametic (“type of puzzle”).
CRYPTARITHM n. an arithmetic problem in which letters have been substituted for numbers and which is solved by finding all possible pairings of digits with letters that produce a numerically correct answer.
GASTROTRICHgastrotrich n. A microscopic aquatic animal of the phylum Gastrotricha, with a worm-like body and cilia.
GASTROTRICH n. any minute aquatic multicellular animal of the phylum Gastrotricha.
HAIRCUTTERShaircutters n. Plural of haircutter.
HAIRCUTTER n. one who cuts hair.
MOTHERCRAFTmothercraft n. The knowledge and skills associated with motherhood.
MOTHERCRAFT n. the craft of being a mother.
ORCHESTRATEorchestrate v. To arrange or score music for performance by an orchestra.
orchestrate v. To compose or arrange orchestral music for a dramatic performance.
orchestrate v. To arrange or direct diverse elements to achieve a desired effect.
TETRABRACHSTETRABRACH n. in classical prosody, a word or metrical foot composed of four short syllables.
TETRACHORDStetrachords n. Plural of tetrachord.
TETRACHORD n. a series of four sounds, forming a scale of two tones and a half.
TETRADRACHMtetradrachm n. (Historical, numismatics) A silver coin in Ancient Greece, equivalent to four drachms.
TETRADRACHM n. (Greek) a unit of Greek currency.
TETRARCHATEtetrarchate n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) A tetrarchy.
TETRARCHATE n. the fourth part of a province, a tetrarchy.
TETRARCHIEStetrarchies n. Plural of tetrarchy.
TETRARCHY n. government by four people.
TREACHETOURTREACHETOUR n. (Spenser) a traitor, a deceiver.
TRICHROMATStrichromats n. Plural of trichromat.
TRICHROMAT n. someone who has normal colour vision.
TROCHANTERStrochanters n. Plural of trochanter.
TROCHANTER n. a rough eminence on the thigh bone to which muscles are attached.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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