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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, C, H, 2L, N and T

ALLOCHTHONSallochthons n. Plural of allochthon.
ANTIALCOHOLantialcohol adj. Opposed to the drinking of alcohol.
ANTIALCOHOL adj. against alcohol.
CANDLELIGHTcandlelight n. The light emitted by a candle.
CANDLELIGHT n. the light of a candle.
CHANTARELLEchantarelle n. Alternative spelling of chanterelle.
CHANTARELLE n. (French) a kind of fungus, also CHANTERELLE.
CHANTERELLEchanterelle n. (Mycology) A widely distributed edible mushroom, Cantharellus cibarius, being yellow and trumpet-shaped;…
chanterelle n. (Music) The highest string of the violin or similar instrument.
CHANTERELLE n. (French) a kind of fungus, also CHANTARELLE.
HALLUCINANTHALLUCINANT n. a person who experiences hallucinations; a drug that causes a person to experience hallucinations.
HALLUCINATEhallucinate v. (Transitive and intransitive) To seem to perceive things (with one or more of one’s senses) which are…
hallucinate v. (Artificial intelligence, of a model) To produce factually invalid information; to interpolate.
HALLUCINATE v. to affect with visions or imaginary perceptions.
HATCHELLINGhatchelling v. Present participle of hatchel.
HATCHEL v. to separate flax fibres with a comb, also HACKLE, HECKLE.
STANCHELLEDstanchelled adj. Having a stanchel, or stanchion.
STANCHEL v. to support by a stanchel.
TECHNICALLYtechnically adv. Based on precise facts, which, however, may be contrary to common misbelief or to a traditional name.
technically adv. Based on formal (de jure) arguments, which, however, may be misleading.
technically adv. Having or using the skills or talent required for a certain job or profession.
TRICHINELLAtrichinella n. (Zoology) Any of the genus Trichinella of parasitic roundworms.
Trichinella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Trichinellidae – roundworms that cause trichinosis in humans.
TRICHINELLA n. a kind of parasite causing infection.
UNETHICALLYunethically adv. In an unethical manner.
UNETHICAL adv. not ethical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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