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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, C, H, I, P, R and U

AUTOGRAPHICautographic adj. Containing or relating to an autograph.
AUTOGRAPHIC adj. of, relating to, or constituting an autograph, also AUTOGRAPHICAL.
AUTOMORPHICautomorphic adj. (Geology) Describing a mineral, in an igneous rock, that is bounded by its own crystal face; euhedral, idiomorphic.
automorphic adj. (Mathematics) Describing a number whose square ends in the number itself; circular.
automorphic adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to automorphy or an automorphism.
AUTOTROPHICautotrophic adj. (Biology) Relating to the production of organic compounds from carbon dioxide as a carbon source, using…
AUTOTROPHIC adj. capable of building up food materials from inorganic matter.
AUXOTROPHICauxotrophic adj. (Biology) Describing a strain of organism that requires a specific metabolic substance that the parent…
AUXOTROPHIC adj. requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
CHUPRASSIESchuprassies n. Plural of chuprassie.
chuprassies n. Plural of chuprassy.
CHUPRASSY n. (Urdu) an office messenger, a household attendant, also CHAPRASSI.
CURATESHIPScurateships n. Plural of curateship.
CURATESHIP n. the office of curate.
CURATORSHIPcuratorship n. The rank or period of being a curator.
CURATORSHIP n. the office of curator.
HARUSPICATEharuspicate v. To perform haruspication.
HARUSPICATE v. to foretell by inspection of animals' entrails.
HARUSPICIESharuspicies n. (Rare) plural of haruspicy.
HARUSPICY n. divination by inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals.
HYPERACUITYhyperacuity n. Sensory performance finer than the receptor grain.
HYPERACUITY n. the state of being hyperacute.
HYPERACUSIShyperacusis n. (Medicine) A heightened sensitivity to some sounds, especially extremely loud noises.
HYPERACUSIS n. an abnormally good sense of hearing.
NEUROPATHICneuropathic adj. Of or relating to neuropathy.
NEUROPATHIC adj. of or like a neuropathy, an affection of the nervous system or of a nerve, also NEUROPATHICAL.
PARACHUTINGparachuting n. The sport of jumping with a parachute.
parachuting v. Present participle of parachute.
PARACHUTING n. the act of descending by parachute.
PARACHUTISTparachutist n. Someone who jumps from an aircraft using a parachute, especially as a sport.
PARACHUTIST n. one that parachutes.
PASTICHEURSpasticheurs n. Plural of pasticheur.
PASTICHEUR n. (French) one who does pastiches.
PURCHASINGSpurchasings n. Plural of purchasing.
PURCHASING n. the act of buying.
SPRAUCHLINGsprauchling v. Present participle of sprauchle.
SPRAUCHLE v. (Scots) to clamber, also SPRACKLE.
THERAPEUTICtherapeutic adj. Of, or relating to therapy.
therapeutic adj. Having a positive effect on the body or mind.
therapeutic n. (Medicine) A therapeutic agent.
UNPREACHINGunpreaching v. Present participle of unpreach.
UNPREACH v. to recant in preaching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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