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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2H, I, O and R

AMPHICHROICamphichroic adj. (Chemistry) Exhibiting or producing two colours, as substances which may change red litmus to blue and…
AMPHICHROIC adj. producing two colours, one on reacting with an acid, the other on reacting with a base, also AMPHICHROMATIC.
ARCHBISHOPSarchbishops n. Plural of archbishop.
ARCHBISHOP n. a bishop at the head of an ecclesiastical province or one of equivalent honorary rank.
ARCHONSHIPSarchonships n. Plural of archonship.
ARCHONSHIP n. the office of an archon.
CHIROGRAPHSchirographs n. Plural of chirograph.
CHIROGRAPH n. a written or signed document.
CHIROGRAPHYchirography n. Synonym of handwriting or penmanship, one’s personal skill at writing.
chirography n. Synonym of calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing.
chirography n. Synonym of autograph, writing in one’s own hand.
HALOMORPHIChalomorphic adj. Of soil: containing enough salt to affect plant growth.
HALOMORPHIC adj. developed in the presence of neutral or alkali salts or both.
HARPSICHORDharpsichord n. (Music) A musical instrument with a keyboard that produces sound through a mechanical process. When…
HARPSICHORD n. a keyboard instrument with horizontal strings that run perpendicular to the keyboard in a long tapering case and are plucked by points of quill, leather, or plastic operated by depressing the keys.
HELICOGRAPHhelicograph n. An instrument for drawing spiral lines on a plane.
HELICOGRAPH n. an instrument for drawing spirals on a plane.
HEMORRHAGIChemorrhagic adj. Of, relating to, or producing hemorrhage.
HEMORRHAGIC adj. of the nature of hemorrhage.
HODOGRAPHIChodographic adj. Relating to a hodograph.
HODOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a hodograph.
HOLOGRAPHICholographic adj. In the form of a hologram or holograph.
holographic adj. (Uncommon) Handwritten by a single writer.
HOLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to holographs.
HOMOGRAPHIChomographic adj. Spelled identically.
homographic adj. Employing a single and separate character to represent each sound.
homographic adj. (Geometry) Having the same invariants.
HYDROPATHIChydropathic adj. Relating to hydropathy.
hydropathic adj. (Chemistry) Relating to hydropathicity.
hydropathic n. A temperance hotel offering hydropathy to guests.
ICHNOGRAPHYichnography n. The ground plan of a building.
ichnography n. The art of constructing ground plans.
ICHNOGRAPHY n. the art of drawing ground plans.
ICHTHYOSAURichthyosaur n. Any of several fishlike marine reptiles of the extinct order Ichthyosauria of the early Triassic to…
ICHTHYOSAUR n. a large fossil marine reptile, also ICHTHYOSAURIAN, ICHTHYOSAURUS.
RHINOTHECAERHINOTHECA n. the sheath of the upper mandible of a bird.
SCHOLARSHIPscholarship n. A grant-in-aid to a student.
scholarship n. The character or qualities of a scholar.
scholarship n. The activity, methods or attainments of a scholar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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