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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, P, R, S and U

CAMPGROUNDScampgrounds n. Plural of campground.
CAMPGROUND n. the area or place (as a field or grove) used for a camp.
CARDOPHAGUSCARDOPHAGUS n. (obsolete) a donkey; something that eats thistles.
CRANIOPAGUScraniopagus n. (Medicine) A pair of conjoined twins joined at the head.
craniopagus n. Either of the individual twins of such a pair.
CRANIOPAGUS n. the condition of Siamese twins joined at the head.
CREOPHAGOUScreophagous adj. Flesh-eating.
CREOPHAGOUS adj. flesh-eating, carnivorous.
PREACCUSINGPREACCUSE v. to accuse in advance.
PRESURGICALpresurgical adj. Occurring before, or in preparation for, surgery.
PURCHASINGSpurchasings n. Plural of purchasing.
PURCHASING n. the act of buying.
REPUGNANCESrepugnances n. Plural of repugnance.
REPUGNANCE n. strong dislike, antipathy, also REPUGNANCY.
SARCOPHAGUSsarcophagus n. A stone coffin, often with its exterior inscribed, or decorated with sculpture.
sarcophagus n. (By extension).
sarcophagus n. (Obsolete except Ancient Greece, historical) A kind of limestone used by the Ancient Greeks for coffins…
SPRAUCHLINGsprauchling v. Present participle of sprauchle.
SPRAUCHLE v. (Scots) to clamber, also SPRACKLE.
SUPERAGENCYsuperagency n. An agency with unusually far-reaching powers.
superagency n. (California) A cabinet-level agency within the executive branch, composed of several departments.
SUPERAGENCY n. a large complex governmental agency esp. when set up to supervise other agencies.
SUPERCARGOSsupercargos n. Plural of supercargo.
SUPERCARGO n. a ship's official in charge of business affairs.
SUPERCHARGEsupercharge v. (Automotive) To increase the power of an internal combustion engine (either Otto or Diesel cycle) by…
supercharge v. (Transitive) To make faster or more powerful.
supercharge v. (Heraldry) To overlay one charge upon another.
UPPERCASINGuppercasing v. Present participle of uppercase.
UPPERCASE v. to convert to uppercase.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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