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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, M, 2R and S

CARDIOGRAMScardiograms n. Plural of cardiogram.
CARDIOGRAM n. a tracing obtained from a cardiograph.
CHROMOGRAMSCHROMOGRAM n. a combination of photographs in different colours.
CHRONOGRAMSchronograms n. Plural of chronogram.
CHRONOGRAM n. an inscription whose letters form a Roman numeral date.
CRYPTOGRAMScryptograms n. Plural of cryptogram.
CRYPTOGRAM n. anything written in cipher, also CRYPTOGRAPH.
FROGMARCHESfrogmarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frogmarch.
frogmarches n. Plural of frogmarch.
frog-marches n. Plural of frog-march.
MACROGRAPHSmacrographs n. Plural of macrograph.
MACROGRAPH n. a photograph, drawing, etc. in which an object appears as large as or several times larger than the original.
MICROGRAPHSmicrographs n. Plural of micrograph.
MICROGRAPH n. an instrument used to write on a very small scale.
MISCARRIAGEmiscarriage n. (Now rare except in miscarriage of justice) A failure; a mistake or error.
miscarriage n. (Medicine) The spontaneous natural termination of a pregnancy, especially before it is viable; the fatal…
MISCARRIAGE n. the act of giving birth spontaneously to a fetus too premature to survive.
MISCARRYINGmiscarrying v. Present participle of miscarry.
miscarrying n. Something that has gone astray or been made wrongly.
MISCARRY v. to be unsuccessful.
SCAREMONGERscaremonger n. Someone who spreads worrying rumours or needlessly alarms people.
scaremonger v. To spread worrying rumours.
SCAREMONGER n. one who raises false alarms.
SCATTERGRAMscattergram n. Scatter plot.
SCATTERGRAM n. a scatter diagram, a graph plotting two variables, with axes at right angles to one another.
SCRIMMAGERSscrimmagers n. Plural of scrimmager.
SCRIMMAGER n. one who scrimmages.
SCRUMMAGERSscrummagers n. Plural of scrummager.
SCRUMMAGER n. one who takes part in a scrummage.
SPECTROGRAMspectrogram n. A visual representation of the spectrum of a sound changing through time.
spectrogram n. (Astronomy) A visual representation of the spectrum of a celestial body’s radiation.
SPECTROGRAM n. a photograph, image, or diagram of a spectrum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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