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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, M, 2O and P

CAMPANOLOGYcampanology n. The study of bells and their casting, tuning, and ringing.
CAMPANOLOGY n. the art of bell ringing.
CARPOGONIUMcarpogonium n. (Biology) The female organ in the red algae (Rhodophyta), having an elongated process which is the receptive…
CARPOGONIUM n. an egg-bearing vessel in red algae.
COMPURGATORcompurgator n. Someone who vouches for another person’s innocence, trustworthiness etc.
COMPURGATOR n. one who under oath vouches for the character or conduct of an accused person.
COSMOGRAPHYcosmography n. The creation of maps of the universe.
cosmography n. The study of the size and geometry of the universe and changes in those with cosmic time.
COSMOGRAPHY n. a general description of the world or of the universe.
GRAMOPHONICgramophonic adj. Of or pertaining to the gramophone.
GRAMOPHONIC adj. relating to gramophones.
GYROCOMPASSgyrocompass n. A north-seeking form of gyroscope used as a directional reference in navigation.
gyrocompass v. To use a gyrocompass.
gyro␣compass n. Alternative form of gyrocompass.
HOMOGRAPHIChomographic adj. Spelled identically.
homographic adj. Employing a single and separate character to represent each sound.
homographic adj. (Geometry) Having the same invariants.
LAGOMORPHIClagomorphic adj. Shaped like a hare.
lagomorphic adj. Characteristic of the taxonomic order Lagomorpha.
LAGOMORPHIC adj. of or like a lagomorph, a gnawing mammal, also LAGOMORPHOUS.
MONOGRAPHICmonographic adj. Of or pertaining to a monograph or treatise.
monographic adj. Drawn in lines without colours.
MONOGRAPHIC adj. of or like a monograph, also MONOGRAPHICAL.
MYCOPHAGOUSmycophagous adj. Fungus-eating.
MYCOPHAGOUS adj. eating fungus.
NOMOGRAPHICnomographic adj. Relating to nomograms.
NOMOGRAPHIC adj. of or like a nomograph, also NOMOGRAPHICAL.
PHONOGRAMICphonogramic adj. Alternative form of phonogrammic.
PHONOGRAMIC adj. like a phonogram, a character representing a sound, also PHONOGRAMMIC.
POMOLOGICALpomological adj. Pertaining to pomology.
POMOLOGICAL adj. relating to pomology.
TOMOGRAPHICtomographic adj. Of or pertaining to imaging by the method of rotating a radiation source and the accompanying sensor…
TOMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to tomography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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