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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, M, 2N and O

ANGLOMANIACAnglomaniac n. One affected with Anglomania; one who loves England or English people or things.
ANGLOMANIAC n. one suffering from anglomania.
CENTIMORGANcentimorgan n. (Biology) A length of chromosome in which an average of 0.01 crossover occurs per generation.
CENTIMORGAN n. one hundredth of a morgan.
CHAMPIGNONSchampignons n. Plural of champignon.
CHAMPIGNON n. (French) an edible species of mushroom.
CHAMPIONINGchampioning v. Present participle of champion.
championing n. The act of one who champions something; fervent support.
CHAMPION v. to defend or support.
COENAMORINGCOENAMOR v. to inflame with mutual love, also COENAMOUR.
COGNOMINATEcognominate v. (Formal, transitive) To name.
COGNOMINATE v. to name.
COMMINATINGcomminating v. Present participle of comminate.
COMMINATE v. to threaten; to denounce.
COMPLAININGcomplaining v. Present participle of complain.
complaining n. The act by which someone complains; a complaint.
COMPLAINING adj. express discontent.
CONGEALMENTcongealment n. The act of congealing.
congealment n. Something that has congealed; a clot.
CONGEALMENT n. the state of being congealed.
CONGRESSMANcongressman n. A male member of congress.
congressman n. (US) A male member of the House of Representatives.
Congressman n. The title for someone who is elected to be a congressman.
CRAMPONNINGcramponning v. Present participle of crampon.
CRAMPONNING n. climbing using crampons.
CRANIOGNOMYcraniognomy n. (Dated) The science of the form and characteristics of the skull.
CRANIOGNOMY n. cranial physiognomy.
NONDOGMATICnondogmatic adj. Not dogmatic.
NONDOGMATIC adj. not dogmatic.
NONMAGNETICnonmagnetic adj. Not magnetic; not affected by a magnet.
non-magnetic adj. Not magnetic; Alternative form of nonmagnetic.
NONMAGNETIC adj. not magnetic.
NONORGASMICnonorgasmic adj. Unable to attain or enjoy an orgasm.
NONORGASMIC adj. not capable of experiencing orgasm.
PANICMONGERpanicmonger n. A person who spreads panic among others, a fearmonger, a scaremonger.
PANICMONGER n. one who spreads panic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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