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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, L, 2N and T

CANNULATINGcannulating v. Present participle of cannulate.
CANNULATE v. to insert a cannula into, also CANULATE.
COGNITIONALcognitional adj. Of or pertaining to cognition.
COGNITIONAL adj. relating to cognition.
CONFLAGRANTconflagrant adj. Brightly burning.
CONFLAGRANT adj. burning.
CONGEALMENTcongealment n. The act of congealing.
congealment n. Something that has congealed; a clot.
CONGEALMENT n. the state of being congealed.
CONGELATIONcongelation n. The act or process of passing, or causing to pass, from a fluid to a solid state, as by the abstraction…
congelation n. The state of being congealed.
congelation n. That which is congealed.
CONSOLATINGconsolating v. Present participle of consolate.
CONSOLATE v. (Shakespeare) to console.
CRENELATINGcrenelating v. Present participle of crenelate.
CRENELATE v. (US) to provide with battlements, also CRENELLATE.
CULMINATINGculminating v. Present participle of culminate.
CULMINATE v. to climax.
ENUCLEATINGenucleating v. Present participle of enucleate.
ENUCLEATE v. to bring or peel out, as a kernel from its enveloping husks or shell.
GEANTICLINEgeanticline n. (Geology, geography) A large-scale anticline; a large upward lift in the earth’s surface.
GEANTICLINE n. a large upward fold.
GNATHONICALgnathonical adj. Alternative form of gnathonic.
GNATHONICAL adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONIC.
INCULCATINGinculcating v. Present participle of inculcate.
INCULCATE v. to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions.
INCULPATINGinculpating v. Present participle of inculpate.
INCULPATE v. to blame; to incriminate.
INOCULATINGinoculating v. Present participle of inoculate.
INOCULATE v. to introduce (e.g. bacteria, a virus) into an organism.
INTERLACINGinterlacing v. Present participle of interlace.
interlacing n. The pattern or motion of something that interlaces.
INTERLACE v. to lace, weave together.
LANCINATINGlancinating v. Present participle of lancinate.
lancinating adj. (Especially of pain) Sharp, stabbing or piercing.
LANCINATE v. to pierce or tear.
LANGUESCENTlanguescent adj. Becoming fatigued or languid.
LANGUESCENT adj. growing languid.
LINECASTINGlinecasting n. (Printing) The use of a linecaster to cast entire lines of type in metal slugs.
LINECASTING n. the casting of metal type in lines.
OUTLAUNCINGOUTLAUNCE v. (Spenser) to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCH.
SNATCHINGLYsnatchingly adv. With a snatching motion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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