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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, I, K, L and S

BACKLASHINGbacklashing v. Present participle of backlash.
BACKLASH v. to cause a reaction.
BACKLISTINGbacklisting v. Present participle of backlist.
BACKLIST v. to include in a publisher's list of old books.
BACKSLIDINGbacksliding v. Present participle of backslide.
backsliding adj. Sliding back.
backsliding n. An occasion on which one backslides, especially in a moral sense.
BALLOCKSINGballocksing v. Present participle of ballocks.
BALLOCKS v. (vulgar) to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
BLACKENINGSblackenings n. Plural of blackening.
BLACKENING n. the act of making black.
CRAIGFLUKESCRAIGFLUKE n. a type of flat fish, aka the witch.
FORSLACKINGforslacking v. Present participle of forslack.
FORSLACK v. to be slack, also FORESLACK.
GARLICKIESTgarlickiest adj. Superlative form of garlicky: most garlicky.
GARLICKY adj. tasting or smelling of garlic.
GIRDLECAKESGIRDLECAKE n. a kind of scone, aka drop scone, also GIRDLESCONE.
GLUCOKINASEglucokinase n. A hexokinase isozyme that facilitates phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, occurring in…
GLUCOKINASE n. a hexokinase found esp. in the liver that catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose.
GOALKICKERSgoalkickers n. Plural of goalkicker.
GOALKICKER n. a player who kicks a goal, or does a goal kick.
LACEMAKINGSLACEMAKING n. the craft of making lace.
NECKLACINGSnecklacings n. Plural of necklacing.
NECKLACING n. (South African) the punishment of having a petrol-soaked tyre placed round the neck or shoulders and set alight, traditionally used by black people on those thought to be government sympathizers.
PILGARLICKSpilgarlicks n. Plural of pilgarlick.
PILGARLICK n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PEELGARLIC, PILGARLIC.
SHELLACKINGshellacking v. Present participle of shellac.
shellacking n. The act or process of coating with shellac.
shellacking n. (Informal, US) A heavy defeat, drubbing, or beating; used particularly in sports and political contexts.
SINGLETRACKsingletrack n. A narrow mountain biking trail that is approximately the width of the bicycle.
single-track adj. (Rail transport) Having only a single track so that trains may only run in one direction at a time.
single␣track n. Alternative spelling of singletrack.
SLACKENINGSslackenings n. Plural of slackening.
SLACKENING n. a making less tight or taut.
SLACKLININGslacklining n. A sport resembling tightrope walking but with the rope or webbing only partially taut.
slacklining v. Present participle of slackline.
SLACKLINING n. the activity of walking across a narrow line of synthetic webbing hung slackly above the ground.
UNSHACKLINGunshackling v. Present participle of unshackle.
UNSHACKLE v. to release from shackles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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