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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, H, R and 2S

CARSHARINGSCARSHARING n. the act of sharing a car for transport.
CASHIERINGScashierings n. Plural of cashiering.
CASHIERING n. the act of dismissing from a position of command or authority.
DISCHARGEESdischargees n. Plural of dischargee.
DISCHARGEE n. one who is discharged.
DISCHARGERSdischargers n. Plural of discharger.
DISCHARGER n. one who, or that which, discharges.
DYSGRAPHICSDYSGRAPHIC n. someone suffering from dysgraphia, the inability to write.
GATECRASHESgatecrashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gatecrash.
gatecrashes n. Plural of gatecrash.
gate-crashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gate-crash.
GRAPHICNESSgraphicness n. The quality of being graphic: grotesqueness or vividness.
GRAPHICNESS n. the state of being graphic, also GRAPHICALNESS.
GRASSCLOTHSgrasscloths n. Plural of grasscloth.
grass␣cloths n. Plural of grass cloth.
PSYCHOGRAMSpsychograms n. Plural of psychogram.
PSYCHOGRAM n. writing supposedly produced under influence of spirits.
PURCHASINGSpurchasings n. Plural of purchasing.
PURCHASING n. the act of buying.
SARCOPHAGUSsarcophagus n. A stone coffin, often with its exterior inscribed, or decorated with sculpture.
sarcophagus n. (By extension).
sarcophagus n. (Obsolete except Ancient Greece, historical) A kind of limestone used by the Ancient Greeks for coffins…
SCRATCHINGSscratchings n. Plural of scratching.
SCRATCHING n. the act of scratching.
SEACHANGERSseachangers n. Plural of seachanger.
SEACHANGER n. a person who moves from a city to a coastal area in order to pursue a more relaxed lifestyle.
SPHRAGISTICsphragistic adj. Relating to sphragistics.
SPHRAGISTIC adj. of or pertaining to seals and signets.
SURCHARGERSsurchargers n. Plural of surcharger.
SURCHARGER n. one who surcharges.
SWITCHGEARSswitchgears n. Plural of switchgear.
switch␣gears v. Alternative form of shift gears.
SWITCHGEAR n. the apparatus that controls the switches in the electric circuits of a power station.
SWITCHGRASSswitchgrass n. A tall North American perennial grass, Panicum virgatum, used as forage and to make hay.
switch␣grass n. Panicum virgatum, a dominant species of the central North American tallgrass prairie.
SWITCHGRASS n. a panic grass of the western US that is used for hay.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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