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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, N, O, R and U

ANFRACTUOUSanfractuous adj. Sinuous, twisty, winding.
anfractuous adj. Craggy, rugged, coarse, rough, uneven.
ANFRACTUOUS adj. full of twists and turns; winding.
BIFURCATIONbifurcation n. (Biology) A division into two branches.
bifurcation n. (By extension) Any place where one thing divides into two.
bifurcation n. The act of bifurcating; branching or dividing in two.
CALIFORNIUMcalifornium n. A strongly radioactive and highly fissile transuranic chemical element (symbol Cf) with an atomic number of 98.
CALIFORNIUM n. a synthetic element produced in trace quantities by helium isotope bombardment of curium.
CARBOFURANSSorry, definition not available.
COFEATURINGcofeaturing v. Present participle of cofeature.
COFEATURE v. to feature jointly.
CONFIGURATEconfigurate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To configure; to arrange or shape.
configurate v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To take form or position, like the parts of a complex structure; to agree with a pattern.
CONFIGURATE v. to shape, arrange.
FACINERIOUSFACINERIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) extremely wicked, also FACINOROUS.
FARINACEOUSfarinaceous adj. Made from, or rich in, starch or flour.
farinaceous adj. Having a floury texture; grainy.
FARINACEOUS adj. mealy; consisting of cereals.
FECUNDATORSFECUNDATOR n. one who fecundates.
FECUNDATORYfecundatory adj. Of or relating to fecundation.
FECUNDATORY adj. serving to fecundate.
FRUCTUATIONfructuation n. (Archaic) produce; fruit.
FRUCTUATION n. coming to fruit or bearing of fruit.
FUNCTIONARYfunctionary n. A person employed as an official in a bureaucracy (usually corporate or governmental) who holds limited…
functionary n. A paper-pusher, bean counter.
FUNCTIONARY n. one who serves in a certain function.
MACROFAUNAEmacrofaunae n. Plural of macrofauna.
MACROFAUNA n. animals visible to the naked eye.
MACROFAUNASmacrofaunas n. Plural of macrofauna.
MACROFAUNA n. animals visible to the naked eye.
MANUFACTORYmanufactory n. (Archaic) A manufacturing process; a particular industry or part of an industry.
manufactory n. (Archaic) A plant where something is manufactured; a factory.
manufactory adj. (Obsolete) Relating to manufacture.
MICROFAUNAEmicrofaunae n. Plural of microfauna.
MICROFAUNA n. very small animals.
MICROFAUNALmicrofaunal adj. Of, or relating to, a microfauna.
MICROFAUNAL adj. relating to microfauna, very small animals.
MICROFAUNASmicrofaunas n. Plural of microfauna.
MICROFAUNA n. very small animals.
RUBEFACTIONrubefaction n. The act or process of making red.
RUBEFACTION n. reddening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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