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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, M, N, O and T

AFFORCEMENTafforcement n. (Obsolete) A reinforcement; a strengthening.
AFFORCEMENT n. the act of afforcing, strengthening a jury by adding skilled people.
CONFIRMATORconfirmator n. One who, or that which, confirms; a confirmer.
CONFIRMATOR n. one who confirms.
CRAFTSWOMANcraftswoman n. A female artisan.
CRAFTSWOMAN n. a woman who is an artisan.
CRAFTSWOMENcraftswomen n. Plural of craftswoman.
CRAFTSWOMAN n. a woman who is an artisan.
FORMICATINGformicating v. Present participle of formicate.
FORMICATE v. to crawl around like an ant.
FORMICATIONformication n. (Medicine) An abnormal skin sensation similar to that of insects crawling over or within the skin; a…
FORMICATION n. an abnormal feeling like the sensation of ants crawling on the skin.
INFORMATICSinformatics n. (Computing) A branch of information science and of computer science that focuses on the study of information…
INFORMATICS n. information science.
MADEFACTIONmadefaction n. Alternative form of madefication (“action of wetting”).
MADEFACTION n. moistening.
MALEFACTIONmalefaction n. A crime, an offense, an evil deed.
MALEFACTION n. evildoing.
MALFUNCTIONmalfunction n. Faulty functioning.
malfunction n. Failure to function.
malfunction v. To function improperly.
MANUFACTORYmanufactory n. (Archaic) A manufacturing process; a particular industry or part of an industry.
manufactory n. (Archaic) A plant where something is manufactured; a factory.
manufactory adj. (Obsolete) Relating to manufacture.
METAFICTIONmetafiction n. A form of self-referential literature concerned with the art and devices of fiction itself.
METAFICTION n. fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions.
RIFACIMENTOrifacimento n. A literary work or musical composition recast to adapt it to a change in the circumstances of the time.
RIFACIMENTO n. (Italian) a recasting of a literary or musical work.
TUMEFACTIONtumefaction n. The process or result of tumefying, swelling, or rising into a tumour.
TUMEFACTION n. swelling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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