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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, L, R and 2S

CAREFULNESScarefulness n. The state of being careful.
CAREFULNESS n. the state of being careful.
CLASSIFIERSclassifiers n. Plural of classifier.
CLASSIFIER n. one who classifies.
FLATSCREENSflatscreens n. Plural of flatscreen.
FLATSCREEN n. a television with a flat screen.
FORECASTLESforecastles n. Plural of forecastle.
FORECASTLE n. a short raised deck at the fore end of ship.
LUCIFERASESluciferases n. Plural of luciferase.
LUCIFERASE n. an oxidising enzyme in the luminous organs of certain animals that acts on luciferin to produce bioluminescence.
MACROFOSSILmacrofossil n. (Paleontology) Any fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope.
MACROFOSSIL n. a fossil large enough to be seen with the naked eye.
SCAFFOLDERSscaffolders n. Plural of scaffolder.
SCAFFOLDER n. one who erects scaffolding.
SCHEFFLERASscheffleras n. Plural of schefflera.
SCHEFFLERA n. any of various evergreen tropical or subtropical shrubs of the family Araliaceae, having large compound leaves and clusters of small flowers followed by berries.
SUCRALFATESSUCRALFATE n. a drug used in the treatment of peptic ulcer.
SUPERFLACKSsuperflacks n. Plural of superflack.
SUPERFLACK n. a superior press agent.
SURFACELESSsurfaceless adj. Without a surface.
SURFACELESS adj. without a surface.
TRAFFICLESStrafficless adj. Without traffic.
TRAFFICLESS adj. without traffic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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