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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, I, L and 2S

BLACKFISHESblackfishes n. Plural of blackfish.
BLACKFISH n. a colloquial name for various species of fish.
CADDISFLIEScaddisflies n. Plural of caddisfly.
caddis␣flies n. Plural of caddis fly.
CADDISFLY n. any small mothlike insect of the order Trichoptera that lives near, and lays its eggs in, water.
CLASSIFIEDSclassifieds n. Plural of classified.
classifieds n. A section of a newspaper, magazine or web site containing classified advertisements.
CLASSIFIEDS n. a section of classified advertising in a publication.
CLASSIFIERSclassifiers n. Plural of classifier.
CLASSIFIER n. one who classifies.
CLASSIFYINGclassifying v. Present participle of classify.
classifying adj. That serves to classify.
CLASSIFY v. to arrange in categories.
FACSIMILISTfacsimilist n. One who produces facsimiles.
FACSIMILIST n. one who makes facsimiles.
FACTUALISMSfactualisms n. Plural of factualism.
FACTUALISM n. the quality of being factual.
FACTUALISTSfactualists n. Plural of factualist.
FACTUALIST n. one who adheres to facts.
FINICALNESSfinicalness n. The state or characteristic of being finical.
FINICALNESS n. the state of being finical.
FLACCIDNESSflaccidness n. The quality of being flaccid.
FLACCIDNESS n. the state of being flaccid.
LUCIFERASESluciferases n. Plural of luciferase.
LUCIFERASE n. an oxidising enzyme in the luminous organs of certain animals that acts on luciferin to produce bioluminescence.
MACROFOSSILmacrofossil n. (Paleontology) Any fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope.
MACROFOSSIL n. a fossil large enough to be seen with the naked eye.
MISCLASSIFYmisclassify v. To classify incorrectly.
MISCLASSIFY v. to classify wrongly.
SCALDFISHESscaldfishes n. Plural of scaldfish.
SCALDFISH n. a European flounder.
SPIFLICATESspiflicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spiflicate.
SPIFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFFLICATE.
SUBCLASSIFYsubclassify v. (Transitive) To classify into a subclass.
SUBCLASSIFY v. to group into subclasses.
TRAFFICLESStrafficless adj. Without traffic.
TRAFFICLESS adj. without traffic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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