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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, 3I and S

DEACIDIFIESdeacidifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deacidify.
DEACIDIFY v. to remove the acid from.
FACSIMILISTfacsimilist n. One who produces facsimiles.
FACSIMILIST n. one who makes facsimiles.
FACTICITIESfacticities n. Plural of facticity.
FACTICITY n. the quality of being a fact.
FASCIITISESFASCIITIS n. inflammation of the fascia of a muscle, also FASCITIS.
FIDUCIARIESfiduciaries n. Plural of fiduciary.
FIDUCIARY n. one who holds in trust.
NIDIFICATESnidificates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nidificate.
NIDIFICATE v. to construct a nest.
OFFICIALISMofficialism n. The rigid, perfunctory and literal adherence to official duties and regulations.
officialism n. Officials collectively.
OFFICIALISM n. excessive devotion to routine or position.
OFFICIARIESofficiaries n. Plural of officiary.
OFFICIARY n. a body of officers; an official body.
PACIFICISMSpacificisms n. Plural of pacificism.
PACIFICISM n. opposition to war or violence, also PACIFISM.
PACIFICISTSpacificists n. Plural of pacificist.
PACIFICIST n. one who adheres to the beliefs and principles of pacifists.
RIFAMPICINSrifampicins n. Plural of rifampicin.
RIFAMPICIN n. an antibiotic drug used in treating tuberculosis, leprosy and meningitis.
SACRIFICIALsacrificial adj. Relating to sacrifice.
sacrificial adj. Used as a sacrifice.
SACRIFICIAL adj. of or like a sacrifice.
SACRIFICINGsacrificing v. Present participle of sacrifice.
SACRIFICE v. to offer up in sacrifice, also SACRIFY.
SATISFICINGsatisficing v. Present participle of satisfice.
satisficing adj. Satisfying and sufficient.
SATISFICING n. the act of satisfying.
SIGNIFICANTsignificant adj. Signifying something; carrying meaning.
significant adj. Having a covert or hidden meaning.
significant adj. Having a noticeable or major effect.
SIGNIFICATEsignificate n. (Logic) One of several things signified by a common term.
SIGNIFICATE n. a thing signified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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