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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, 3I and R

CARNIFICIALcarnificial adj. Relating to a carnifex or executioner.
CARNIFICIAL adj. of or pertaining to butchers or executioners.
FIDUCIARIESfiduciaries n. Plural of fiduciary.
FIDUCIARY n. one who holds in trust.
FIDUCIARILYfiduciarily adv. In a fiduciary manner.
FIDUCIARY adv. holding in trust.
MIRIFICALLYMIRIFICAL adv. working wonders; marvellous, also MIRIFIC.
OFFICIARIESofficiaries n. Plural of officiary.
OFFICIARY n. a body of officers; an official body.
REIFICATIONreification n. The consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living.
reification n. The consideration of a human being as an impersonal object.
reification n. (Programming) A process that makes a computable/addressable object out of a non-computable/addressable…
RIFACIMENTIrifacimenti n. Plural of rifacimento.
RIFACIMENTO n. (Italian) a recasting of a literary or musical work.
RIFAMPICINSrifampicins n. Plural of rifampicin.
RIFAMPICIN n. an antibiotic drug used in treating tuberculosis, leprosy and meningitis.
SACRIFICIALsacrificial adj. Relating to sacrifice.
sacrificial adj. Used as a sacrifice.
SACRIFICIAL adj. of or like a sacrifice.
SACRIFICINGsacrificing v. Present participle of sacrifice.
SACRIFICE v. to offer up in sacrifice, also SACRIFY.
VINIFICATORvinificator n. A machine used for vinification.
VINIFICATOR n. a condensing device that collects the alcoholic vapour produced by the fermentation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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