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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, N, 2T and V

ANCHOVETTASanchovettas n. Plural of anchovetta.
ANCHOVETTA n. (Spanish) a small fish like an anchovy, also ANCHOVETA.
CARAVANETTEcaravanette n. A campervan.
CARAVANETTE n. a small caravan.
CONFUTATIVEconfutative adj. That confutes.
CONFUTATIVE adj. tending to confute.
CONNOTATIVEconnotative adj. That implies or suggests something else.
CONNOTATIVE adj. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTIVE.
CONSTATIVESconstatives n. Plural of constative.
CONSTATIVE n. a statement that can be true or false.
CONTRACTIVEcontractive adj. Able to contract; contractile.
CONTRACTIVE adj. tending to contract.
CONTRASTIVEcontrastive adj. Contrasting.
CONTRASTIVE adj. forming or consisting of a contrast.
INACTIVATEDinactivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of inactivate.
INACTIVATE v. to make inactive.
INACTIVATESinactivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inactivate.
INACTIVATE v. to make inactive.
INCITATIVESincitatives n. Plural of incitative.
INCITATIVE n. an agent that incites.
INTERACTIVEinteractive adj. Interacting with or communicating with and reacting to each other; influencing or having an effect on…
interactive adj. (Computer science) Responding to the user.
interactive n. A feature (as in a museum) that can be interacted with.
PUNCTUATIVEpunctuative adj. Suggesting or pertaining to punctuation.
PUNCTUATIVE adj. relating to punctuation.
TRANSVESTICtransvestic adj. Relating to transvestism.
TRANSVESTIC adj. relating to transvestism.
VATICINATEDvaticinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vaticinate.
VATICINATE v. to prophesy, predict.
VATICINATESvaticinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vaticinate.
VATICINATE v. to prophesy, predict.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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