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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, L, 2R and V

CLOVERGRASSclover␣grass n. Clover (of genus Trifolium).
clover␣grass n. Halophila baillonis, a rare seagrass.
CLOVERGRASS n. clover as pasturage.
CORIVALRIEScorivalries n. Plural of corivalry.
CORIVALRY n. rivalry.
CORRELATIVEcorrelative adj. Mutually related; corresponding.
correlative n. (Formal) Either of two correlative things.
correlative n. (Grammar) A pro-form; a non-personal pronominal, proadjectival, or proadverbial form.
CORRIVALLEDcorrivalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of corrival.
CORRIVAL v. to rival, also CORIVAL.
CRUCIVERBALcruciverbal adj. Relating to crossword puzzles.
CRUCIVERBAL adj. related to crosswords.
CURVILINEARcurvilinear adj. (Of a line) Having bends; curved; curvilineal.
curvilinear adj. (Geometry, art) Formed by curved lines.
CURVILINEAR adj. bounded by curved lines, also CURVILINEAL.
IRRELEVANCEirrelevance n. Lack of relationship with the topic at hand; lack of importance.
IRRELEVANCE n. the state of being irrelevant, also IRRELEVANCY.
IRRELEVANCYirrelevancy n. (Uncountable) The quality of being irrelevant or inapplicable; lack of pertinence or connection.
irrelevancy n. (Countable) A thing that is irrelevant—having no bearing on the subject of discussion.
IRRELEVANCY n. the state of being irrelevant, also IRRELEVANCE.
IRREVOCABLEirrevocable adj. Unable to be retracted or reversed; final.
IRREVOCABLE adj. that cannot be revoked.
IRREVOCABLYirrevocably adv. In an irrevocable manner; beyond recall; in a manner precluding repeal.
IRREVOCABLE adv. that cannot be revoked.
OVERCAREFULovercareful adj. Excessively careful.
OVERCAREFUL adj. too careful.
OVERCLEAREDovercleared v. Simple past tense and past participle of overclear.
OVERCLEAR v. to clear to excess.
RECOVERABLErecoverable adj. Capable of being regained or recovered.
recoverable adj. Restorable from sickness, faintness, danger, etc.
recoverable adj. Capable of being brought back to a former condition, or recovered from.
VARICOLOREDvaricolored adj. Having a variety of colors; variegated or motley.
VARICOLORED adj. of different colours, also VARICOLOURED.
VENTRICULARventricular adj. Of or relating to a ventricle or ventriculus.
VENTRICULAR adj. of, relating to, or being a ventricle.
VERNACULARSvernaculars n. Plural of vernacular.
VERNACULAR n. a vernacular language, expression, or mode of expression.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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