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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, L, 2M and N

ANALEMMATICanalemmatic adj. Relating to an analemma.
ANALEMMATIC adj. relating to the seasonal difference between time as shown by clocks and by the sun.
CHROMONEMALCHROMONEMAL adj. relating to a chromonema, also CHROMONEMIC.
COMMANDABLEcommandable adj. Capable of being commanded.
COMMANDABLE adj. able to be commanded.
COMMENDABLEcommendable adj. Worthy of commendation; deserving praise; admirable, creditable, or meritorious.
COMMENDABLE adj. that can be commended.
COMMENDABLYcommendably adv. In a commendable manner.
COMMENDABLE adv. that can be commended.
COMMENSALLYcommensally adv. In a commensal manner.
COMMENSAL adv. eating at the same table.
COMMONPLACEcommonplace adj. Ordinary; not having any remarkable characteristics.
commonplace n. A platitude or cliché.
commonplace n. Something that is ordinary; something commonly done or occurring.
COMMONWEALScommonweals n. Plural of commonweal.
COMMONWEAL n. (archaic) the general welfare.
COMMUNALISEcommunalise v. Alternative form of communalize.
COMMUNALISE v. to make communal, also COMMUNALIZE.
COMMUNALIZEcommunalize v. (Transitive) To take property into communal ownership.
communalize v. (Transitive) To transfer responsibility and power to the community level.
communalize v. (Transitive) To treat as happening to or belonging to one’s own group; to make (something) the subject…
EMPLACEMENTemplacement n. An installation that houses a military weapon.
emplacement n. A place where a thing is located; the act of placing something somewhere.
emplacement n. (Geology) The inclusion of igneous rock in older rocks, or the development or localization of an ore…
LAMINECTOMYlaminectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure to remove the bony arch or lamina from one or more vertebrae.
LAMINECTOMY n. a kind of operation on the spine.
MEGALOMANICmegalomanic adj. Afflicted by megalomania.
MEGALOMANIC adj. relating to megalomania, also MEGALOMANIACAL.
MELOMANIACSmelomaniacs n. Plural of melomaniac.
MELOMANIAC n. an abnormally dedicated musical fan.
MESENCHYMALmesenchymal adj. Of or pertaining to the mesenchyme.
MESENCHYMAL adj. relating to mesenchyme, the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop, also MESENCHYMATOUS.
METONYMICALmetonymical adj. Synonym of metonymic, of or relating to metonymy.
METONYMICAL adj. relating to a metonym, a word used in metonymy, also METONYMIC.
TELECOMMANDtelecommand n. A command transmitted to a device.
TELECOMMAND n. the operation of machinery by remote electronic control.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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