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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, 2L, M and U

ACCUMULABLEaccumulable adj. Able to be accumulated.
ACCUMULABLE adj. that can be accumulated.
AMPLEXICAULamplexicaul adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having lobes (usually auriculate) that completely surround the stem.
AMPLEXICAUL adj. stem-clasping.
AMPULLACEALampullaceal adj. Relating to ampullae.
AMPULLACEAL adj. resembling an ampulla, also AMPULLACEOUS.
ANIMALCULESanimalcules n. Plural of animalcule.
ANIMALCULE n. a small animal, as a fly, spider, etc., also ANIMALCULUM.
BIMOLECULARbimolecular adj. (Chemistry, of a reaction) involving two molecules.
bimolecular adj. Consisting of two layers of molecules.
bimolecular adj. (Chemistry) Relating to bimolecules.
CALUMNIABLECALUMNIABLE adj. worthy of being calumniated.
ILLUMINANCEilluminance n. (Physics) The luminous flux incident on unit area of a surface; measured in lux or lumens.
ILLUMINANCE n. the act of illuminating.
LEUCODERMALLEUCODERMAL adj. relating to leucoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMIC, LEUKODERMAL.
LOCULAMENTSloculaments n. Plural of loculament.
LOCULAMENT n. the cell of a pericarp in which the seed is lodged.
LUMBRICALESLUMBRICAL n. one of certain muscles of the hand and foot used in flexing the digits, also LUMBRICALIS.
MALOCCLUDEDmaloccluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of malocclude.
MALOCCLUDED adj. exhibiting malocclusion.
MASCULINELYmasculinely adv. In a masculine manner.
MASCULINE adv. male.
MERCURIALLYmercurially adv. In a mercurial manner.
MERCURIAL adv. of a volatile temperament.
METALLURGICmetallurgic adj. Related to metallurgy.
METALLURGIC adj. relating to metallurgy, also METALLURGICAL.
MOLECULARLYmolecularly adv. In a molecular manner.
molecularly adv. With regard to molecules.
MOLECULAR adv. relating to a molecule.
MUSCADELLESMUSCADELLE n. a rich spicy wine derived from muscat grapes, also MUSCADEL, MUSCATEL.
NUCLEOPLASMnucleoplasm n. The protoplasm of a cell nucleus.
NUCLEOPLASM n. the protoplasm in the nucleus of a cell.
NUCLEOSOMALnucleosomal adj. Of or pertaining to a nucleosome.
NUCLEOSOMAL adj. of or like a nucleosome.
NUMERICALLYnumerically adv. In a numerical manner.
numerically adv. In terms of numbers.
NUMERICAL adv. relating to number, also NUMERIC.
UNCLIMBABLEunclimbable adj. Not able to be climbed.
UNCLIMBABLE adj. not able to be climbed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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