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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, G, M, P and S

CAMPAIGNERScampaigners n. Plural of campaigner.
CAMPAIGNER n. one who campaigns.
MACROPHAGESmacrophages n. Plural of macrophage.
MACROPHAGE n. any of the large phagocytic cells situated in the walls of blood vessels.
MEGAPARSECSmegaparsecs n. Plural of megaparsec.
MEGAPARSEC n. a measure of astronomical distance, a million parsecs.
MESOPELAGICmesopelagic adj. (Oceanography) Describing a pelagic zone of the oceans between the photic epipelagic and the aphotic…
mesopelagic n. A mesopelagic fish.
MESOPELAGIC adj. of or relating to oceanic depths from about 600 feet to 3000 feet.
MICROPHAGESmicrophages n. Plural of microphage.
MICROPHAGE n. a small phagocyte.
MISPACKAGEDmispackaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispackage.
MISPACKAGE v. to package incorrectly.
MISPACKAGESmispackages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mispackage.
MISPACKAGE v. to package incorrectly.
MYCOPHAGIESMYCOPHAGY n. the eating of mushrooms.
PACEMAKINGSPACEMAKING n. performing the function as of a pacemaker.
PLASMAGENICplasmagenic adj. Of, relating to, or designating a plasmagene.
plasmagenic adj. That forms plasma when heated or subjected to a strong electromagnetic field.
PLASMAGENIC adj. of or like a plasmagene.
SCAMPERINGSscamperings n. Plural of scampering.
SCAMPERING n. running playfully about.
SPECTROGRAMspectrogram n. A visual representation of the spectrum of a sound changing through time.
spectrogram n. (Astronomy) A visual representation of the spectrum of a celestial body’s radiation.
SPECTROGRAM n. a photograph, image, or diagram of a spectrum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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