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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, G, L and 2T

ACETYLATINGacetylating v. Present participle of acetylate.
ACETYLATE v. to introduce the acetyl radical into (a compound).
ALTERCATINGaltercating v. Present participle of altercate.
ALTERCATE v. to dispute, argue.
ANGLETWITCHangletwitch n. (Rare, dialectal) An angleworm; earthworm.
ANGLETWITCH n. a worm used as bait in fishing.
DELECTATINGdelectating v. Present participle of delectate.
DELECTATE v. to delight.
EGOTISTICALegotistical adj. Tending to talk excessively about oneself.
egotistical adj. Believing oneself to be better and more important than others due to one’s position, popularity, wealth…
egotistical adj. (Nonstandard, by confusion of the similar words) Egoistical (advocating egoism).
GEOTACTICALGEOTACTICAL adj. relating to geotaxis, the response of an organism to gravity, also GEOTACTIC.
GESTICULANTgesticulant adj. (Rare) gesticulating.
GESTICULANT adj. making gesticulations.
GESTICULATEgesticulate v. (Intransitive) To make gestures or motions, as in speaking.
gesticulate v. (Transitive) To say or express through gestures.
GESTICULATE v. to make gestures esp. when speaking.
GLASSCUTTERglasscutter n. One who cuts glass to make objects from it.
glasscutter n. A device for cutting through glass.
glass␣cutter n. One who cuts glass to make objects from it.
GLYPTOTHECAglyptotheca n. A room or building devoted to works of sculpture.
GLYPTOTHECA n. a place for keeping sculpture.
PLECTOGNATHplectognath n. Any fish of the order Tetraodontiformes.
PLECTOGNATH n. any spiny-finned marine fish of the mainly tropical order Plectognathi, that includes puffers, triggerfish, trunkfish and sunfish.
RELUCTATINGreluctating v. Present participle of reluctate.
RELUCTATE v. to be reluctant, also RELUCT.
SCATTERLINGscatterling n. (Obsolete) One who has no fixed residence; a vagabond.
SCATTERLING n. (archaic) a vagrant.
STRATEGICALstrategical adj. (Rare) Strategic.
STRATEGICAL adj. relating to strategy, also STRATEGIC.
TELECASTINGtelecasting v. Present participle of telecast.
TELECAST v. to broadcast by television.
TELECOTTAGEtelecottage n. A facility offering access to technology, etc. to the local community.
telecottage n. A teleworker’s physical workplace, whether in the individual’s home or on a communal site. (Can we add…
TELECOTTAGE n. a building or room in a rural area with electronic equipment, services, etc. for teleworking, often shared by a number of local residents.
TERATOLOGICteratologic adj. (Genetics) Dealing with the study of production, development, anatomy, and classification of monsters.
teratologic adj. (Teratology) Pertaining to deformity, either congenital or resulting from accident.
TERATOLOGIC adj. relating to teratology, also TERATOLOGICAL.
TETRAPLEGICtetraplegic n. A quadriplegic.
TETRAPLEGIC adj. suffering from tetraplegia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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