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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2E, G, H and T

ATHEROGENICatherogenic adj. (Medicine) that initiates or accelerates atherogenesis.
ATHEROGENIC adj. leading to atheroma.
CHARGESHEETchargesheet n. (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) A document of accusation prepared by law enforcement to be submitted to the court.
chargesheet v. (Transitive, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) To prepare such a document of accusation against.
charge␣sheet n. A record kept by the police, notionally on a sheet of paper, stating the criminal offence(s) which a…
ESCHEATAGESescheatages n. Plural of escheatage.
ESCHEATAGE n. the right of succeeding to an escheat.
GATECRASHEDgatecrashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gatecrash.
gate-crashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gate-crash.
gate␣crashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gate crash.
GATECRASHERgatecrasher n. (Slang) A person who enters some event without a ticket or invitation, either by stealth or by deception.
gatecrasher n. (Asian English) The groom or one of his groomsmen when partaking in the gatecrashing ritual of a traditional…
gate-crasher n. Alternative spelling of gatecrasher.
GATECRASHESgatecrashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gatecrash.
gatecrashes n. Plural of gatecrash.
gate-crashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gate-crash.
GENETHLIACSgenethliacs n. Plural of genethliac.
GENETHLIAC n. a caster of horoscopes.
HECTOGRAMMEhectogramme n. (Rare, Britain) Alternative spelling of hectogram.
HECTOGRAMME n. a measure of weight, containing a hundred grams, also HECTOGRAM, HEKTOGRAM.
HEMATOGENIChematogenic adj. Of or pertaining to hematogenesis.
HEMATOGENIC adj. (US) forming blood, also HAEMATOGENIC.
HUCKSTERAGEhucksterage n. The business of a huckster; small dealing; peddling.
HUCKSTERAGE n. the state of being a huckster.
INTERCHANGEinterchange v. (Transitive) to switch (each of two things).
interchange v. (Transitive) to mutually give and receive (something); to exchange.
interchange v. (Intransitive) to swap or change places.
OLIGOCHAETEoligochaete n. Any of various hermaphroditic aquatic and terrestrial annelid worms, of the subclass Oligochaeta, that…
OLIGOCHAETE n. any worm of the Oligochaeta, chaetopods in which the locomotor organs are reduced to bristles, e.g. earthworms, etc.
TEACHERAGESteacherages n. Plural of teacherage.
TELEGRAPHICtelegraphic adj. Of, or relating to the telegraph.
telegraphic adj. Brief or concise, especially resembling a telegram with clipped syntax.
TELEGRAPHIC adj. of or relating to the telegraph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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