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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 3E, F and N

BENEFICIATEbeneficiate v. (Mining, obsolete) To reduce (ores).
BENEFICIATE v. to treat ores to remove impurities.
CONFEDERATEconfederate n. A member of a confederacy.
confederate n. An accomplice in a plot.
confederate n. (Psychology) An actor who participates in a psychological experiment pretending to be a subject but…
DEFACEMENTSdefacements n. Plural of defacement.
DEFACEMENT n. the act of defacing.
DEFEASANCEDdefeasanced adj. (Law) Liable to defeasance; capable of being made void or forfeited.
DEFEASANCED adj. liable to be forfeited.
DEFEASANCESdefeasances n. Plural of defeasance.
DEFEASANCE n. a condition which, if fulfilled, renders an agreement or instrument null and void; a document setting out such a condition.
EFFACEMENTSeffacements n. Plural of effacement.
EFFACEMENT n. the act of effacing.
ENFACEMENTSENFACEMENT n. the act of enfacing, printing on the face of a bill etc.
ENFORCEABLEenforceable adj. Capable of being enforced.
ENFORCEABLE adj. that can be enforced.
FREELANCERSfreelancers n. Plural of freelancer.
FREELANCER n. one who works for his or her self, hiring out services, also FREELANCE.
MALEFICENCEmaleficence n. Harmfulness or mischief.
MALEFICENCE n. the act of committing harm or evil.
NEEDLECRAFTneedlecraft n. (Uncountable) The art or process of working with a needle esp. in embroidery or needlepoint.
needlecraft n. (Countable) The product of such art or process.
needlecraft n. (Uncountable) The occupation or employment of a person skilled in embroidery, needlepoint, etc.
REFLECTANCEreflectance n. (Physics) The ratio of the flux reflected to that incident on a surface.
REFLECTANCE n. the ratio of reflected radiation to incident radiation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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