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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, D, P, R, T and U

AGRIPRODUCTagriproduct n. Any product of agriculture.
AGRIPRODUCT n. a commodity for the use of farmers, e.g. fertilizer or animal feed.
DUPLICATORSduplicators n. Plural of duplicator.
DUPLICATOR n. one that duplicates.
DUPLICATUREduplicature n. A doubling; a fold, as of a membrane.
DUPLICATURE n. a doubling, anything doubled.
OPERCULATEDoperculated adj. Operculate.
OPERCULATED adj. relating to the operculum, also OPERCULATE.
OUTPREACHEDoutpreached v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpreach.
OUTPREACH v. to surpass in preaching.
PREJUDICANTprejudicant adj. (Archaic) Influenced by prejudice; biased.
PREJUDICANT adj. prejudging.
PREJUDICATEprejudicate adj. (Obsolete) Prejudiced, biased.
prejudicate adj. Preconceived (Of an opinion, idea etc.); formed before the event.
prejudicate v. (Transitive, intransitive, now rare) To determine beforehand, especially rashly; to prejudge.
PROCTODAEUMproctodaeum n. Alternative spelling of proctodeum.
proctodæum n. Obsolete form of proctodeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
QUADCOPTERSquadcopters n. Plural of quadcopter.
QUADCOPTER n. a pilotless four-rotor helicopter.
RECUPERATEDrecuperated v. Simple past tense and past participle of recuperate.
RECUPERATE v. to get back, recover.
REDUPLICATEreduplicate adj. Doubled.
reduplicate adj. (Botany) valvate with the margins curved outwardly.
reduplicate adj. (Botany) folded, with the abaxial surfaces facing one another.
SPERMADUCTSspermaducts n. Plural of spermaduct.
SPERMADUCT n. a duct conveying spermatozoa, also SPERMIDUCT.
THUNDERCLAPthunderclap n. A sudden, loud thunder caused by a nearby lightning strike; a shock of thunder, as opposed to a reverberating rumble.
thunderclap n. (Figurative) Something that makes a big, dramatic impact.
thunderclap v. (Intransitive) To produce a loud burst of sound like a thunderclap.
TRICUSPIDALtricuspidal adj. Alternative form of tricuspid.
TRICUSPIDAL adj. having three cusps, or points; as, a tricuspidal molar, also TRICUSPID, TRICUSPIDATE.
UNPRACTICEDunpracticed adj. Not practiced; inexperienced.
unpracticed adj. Not carried out in practice; not usually done.
UNPRACTICED adj. not practiced, also UNPRACTISED.
UNPRACTISEDunpractised adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of unpracticed.
UNPRACTISED adj. not practised, also UNPRACTICED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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