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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, C, D, I, 2L and M

BLACKMAILEDblackmailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of blackmail.
BLACKMAIL v. to extort money from a person by threats.
CALMODULINScalmodulins n. Plural of calmodulin.
CALMODULIN n. a protein found in plant and animal cells.
CAUDILLISMOcaudillismo n. The type of government ruled by a caudillo.
CAUDILLISMO n. the doctrine or practice of a caudillo.
COMEDICALLYcomedically adv. In a comedic manner; using comedy.
COMEDIC adv. of or relating to comedy.
DEMONICALLYdemonically adv. In a demonic way.
DEMONICAL adv. of or like a demon, also DEMONIACAL, DEMONIC.
DYNAMICALLYdynamically adv. Of a dynamic nature; variable or constantly changing nature.
DYNAMICAL adv. related to force, also DYNAMIC.
ENDEMICALLYendemically adv. In an endemic manner.
ENDEMICAL adv. confined to one particular area, e.g. of a disease also ENDEMIC.
HOMICIDALLYhomicidally adv. In a homicidal manner.
homicidally adv. For the purpose of committing homicide.
HOMICIDAL adv. related to homicide.
MEDICINALLYmedicinally adv. In a medicinal manner.
MEDICINAL adv. relating to medicine, also MEDCINAL.
MEDICOLEGALmedicolegal adj. Of, or pertaining to, both medicine and law, as for example with the legal implications of a medical…
MEDICOLEGAL adj. of or relating to both medicine and law.
MELODICALLYmelodically adv. In a melodic manner.
MELODIC adv. pertaining to melody.
MONADICALLYmonadically adv. In a monadic manner; as a monad or by means of monads.
MONADICAL adv. of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses, also MONADIC.
MONODICALLYmonodically adv. As a monody; in the monodic style.
MONODICAL adv. of or like a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner, also MONODIC.
NOMADICALLYnomadically adv. In a nomadic way.
NOMADIC adv. like a nomad.
PSALMODICALpsalmodical adj. Alternative form of psalmodic.
PSALMODICAL adj. relating to a psalmody, also PSALMODIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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