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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, N, P, R and S

CARDPUNCHEScardpunches n. Plural of cardpunch.
card␣punches n. Plural of card punch.
CARDPUNCH n. a machine which perforates cards to record data.
COPARCENERScoparceners n. Plural of coparcener.
COPARCENER n. one who has an equal portion with others of an inheritance.
COPARCENIEScoparcenies n. Plural of coparceny.
COPARCENY n. a form of joint ownership of property.
CORNUCOPIAScornucopias n. Plural of cornucopia.
CORNUCOPIA n. a curved goat's horn overflowing with fruit and ears of grain that is used as a decorative motif emblematic of abundance.
CRANIOSCOPYcranioscopy n. (Rare) The study of the shape, size, and other features of the human skull.
cranioscopy n. (Dated) Phrenology.
CRANIOSCOPY n. phrenology.
CRAPULENCEScrapulences n. Plural of crapulence.
CRAPULENCE n. the sickness occasioned by intemperance; surfeit.
DISCREPANCEdiscrepance n. Archaic form of discrepancy.
DISCREPANCE n. the state of being discrepant, also DISCREPANCY.
DISCREPANCYdiscrepancy n. An inconsistency between facts or sentiments.
discrepancy n. The state or quality of being discrepant.
DISCREPANCY n. the state of being discrepant, also DISCREPANCE.
PARASCIENCEparascience n. Science that is non-mainstream or carried out in a subsidiary capacity.
PARASCIENCE n. the study of phenomena which cannot be investigated by rigorous traditional scientific method.
PRACTICIANSpracticians n. Plural of practician.
PRACTICIAN n. a practiser or practitioner.
PREACCUSINGPREACCUSE v. to accuse in advance.
PROCURANCESPROCURANCE n. the act of procuring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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