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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, L, N, T and Y

ACCENTUALLYaccentually adv. In an accentual manner; in accordance with accent.
ACCENTUAL adv. of or pertaining to accent.
ACCEPTINGLYacceptingly adv. In a accepting manner; tolerantly.
ACCEPTING adv. ACCEPT, to receive with favour.
ACCORDANTLYaccordantly adv. In accordance or agreement; agreeably; conformably.
ACCORDANT adv. agreeing; consonant.
ACCOUNTABLYaccountably adv. In an accountable manner.
ACCOUNTABLE adv. that can be held to account, also ACCOMPTABLE.
ACTINICALLYactinically adv. In an actinic manner.
ACTINIC adv. of or pertaining to actinism, the property of solar radiation of causing chemical change.
ANTICYCLONEanticyclone n. (Meteorology) a system of winds that spiral out from a centre of high pressure.
ANTICYCLONE n. a system of winds that rotates clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern.
CALYCANTHUScalycanthus n. Any of the genus Calycanthus of sweetshrubs.
CALYCANTHUS n. the Carolina allspice or strawberry shrub, a North American shrub.
CENTRICALLYcentrically adv. In a centric manner or direction; centrally.
CENTRICAL adv. placed in the center or middle; central, also CENTRIC.
CIRCINATELYcircinately adv. In a circinate fashion.
CIRCINATE adv. rolled up with its apex in the centre, like a young fern.
CONSULTANCYconsultancy n. A consultant or consulting firm.
consultancy n. The services offered by a consultant.
CONSULTANCY n. an agency which provides professional advice; the post or work of a consultant.
CYCLISATIONcyclisation n. Alternative spelling of cyclization.
CYCLISATION n. the formation of a ring in a chemical compound, also CYCLIZATION.
CYCLIZATIONcyclization n. (Chemistry) The process of cyclizing, of becoming or causing to become aromatic.
cyclization n. (Chemistry) Any reaction that results in the formation of a ring. ring closure.
CYCLIZATION n. the formation of a ring in a chemical compound, also CYCLISATION.
INCULCATORYinculcatory adj. Serving to inculcate.
INCULCATORY adj. serving to inculcate.
PENTACYCLICpentacyclic adj. (Chemistry) having five rings, especially five fused rings as in many triterpenoids.
PENTACYCLIC adj. having five whorls.
PLANTOCRACYplantocracy n. Government by plantation owners.
plantocracy n. The group of plantation owners who have power in such a government.
PLANTOCRACY n. government by plantation owners.
SYNTACTICALsyntactical adj. Syntactic, related to syntax.
SYNTACTICAL adj. relating to syntax, also SYNTACTIC.
SYNTECTICALsyntectical adj. Relating to syntexis.
SYNTECTICAL adj. (obsolete) pertaining to syntexis, liquefaction, also SYNTECTIC.
TECHNICALLYtechnically adv. Based on precise facts, which, however, may be contrary to common misbelief or to a traditional name.
technically adv. Based on formal (de jure) arguments, which, however, may be misleading.
technically adv. Having or using the skills or talent required for a certain job or profession.
VOLCANICITYvolcanicity n. The quality or state of being volcanic.
volcanicity n. The level of power of a volcano.
VOLCANICITY n. the state of being volcanic, also VULCANICITY.
VULCANICITYvulcanicity n. The quality or state of being volcanic.
vulcanicity n. The level of power of a volcano.
VULCANICITY n. the state of being vulcanic, also VOLCANICITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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