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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, I, 2T and U

ACQUITTANCEacquittance n. (Now historical) A writing which is evidence of a discharge; a receipt in full, which bars a further demand.
acquittance n. (Now rare) Payment of debt; settlement.
acquittance n. (Now historical) The release from a debt, or from some obligation or duty; exemption.
CATACAUSTICcatacaustic n. A caustic curve formed by light reflecting from a curved surface.
catacaustic n. (Mathematics) the envelope of all rays that emanate from a specified point (the radiant point) and reflect…
CATACAUSTIC adj. relating to or denoting a caustic curve or caustic surface formed by reflection.
COCULTIVATEcocultivate v. To cultivate along with another organism.
COCULTIVATE v. to cultivate together.
CONCUBITANTCONCUBITANT n. someone of a suitable age for marriage.
CONTUMACITYcontumacity n. Alternative form of contumacy.
CONTUMACITY n. stubborn disobedience.
CUNCTATIONScunctations n. Plural of cunctation.
CUNCTATION n. delay; procrastination.
CUNCTATIOUScunctatious adj. (Formal) Tending to delay or linger.
OCCULTATIONoccultation n. (Astronomy) An astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object is hidden by another celestial…
occultation n. The state of being occult (“hidden, undetected”).
occultation n. (Shia Islam Islam) The disappearance of the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi, who is believed alive and present…
OCTUPLICATEoctuplicate n. A set of eight like or identical things.
octuplicate v. To make eight copies of something.
OCTUPLICATE n. one of eight corresponding things.
OUTCATCHINGoutcatching v. Present participle of outcatch.
OUTCATCH v. to surpass in catching.
PLUTOCRATICplutocratic adj. Of, relating to, or being a plutocracy.
PLUTOCRATIC adj. relating to the plutocracy, also PLUTOCRATICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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