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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, 3I and L

ACCLIVITIESacclivities n. Plural of acclivity.
ACCLIVITY n. an upward slope.
ACIDOPHILICacidophilic adj. Thriving under acidic conditions; relating to or being an acidophile.
acidophilic adj. Easily stained with acidic dyes, such as eosin.
ACIDOPHILIC adj. easily stained by acid dyes; thriving in acid environment.
BACILLICIDEbacillicide n. (Rare) Any material that kills bacilli.
BACILLICIDE n. something which destroys bacteria.
BIOCLIMATICbioclimatic adj. Of or pertaining to the relationship between living things and climate.
bioclimatic adj. (Architecture) Focused on providing a comfortable microclimate.
BIOCLIMATIC adj. of or relating to the relations of climate and living matter.
CALCIMININGcalcimining v. Present participle of calcimine.
CALCIMINE v. to whitewash with this.
CARNIFICIALcarnificial adj. Relating to a carnifex or executioner.
CARNIFICIAL adj. of or pertaining to butchers or executioners.
CICATRICIALcicatricial adj. Caused by a scar.
CICATRICIAL adj. of or like a cicatrice.
CRITICALITYcriticality n. The state of being critical. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
criticality n. (Education) A disposition for purposeful thinking and acting guided by criteria that are considered…
criticality n. (Physics) The point at which a nuclear chain reaction becomes self-sustaining.
CURIALISTICcurialistic adj. Relating to a court.
curialistic adj. Relating or belonging to the ultramontane party in the Latin Church.
CURIALISTIC adj. relating to curialism.
DIACRITICALdiacritical adj. Capable of distinguishing or of making a distinction.
diacritical adj. Of, pertaining to, or serving as a diacritic.
diacritical n. A diacritic (mark).
MATRICLINICMATRICLINIC adj. inherited from the mother; more like the mother than the father, also MATRICLINOUS, MATROCLINAL, MATROCLINIC, MATROCLINOUS.
METASILICICmetasilicic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Relating to metasilicic acid or its derivatives.
METASILICIC adj. applied to an acid (H2SiO3).
PATRICLINICPATRICLINIC adj. of animals and plants, showing the characters of the male parent, also PATROCLINAL, PATROCLINOUS.
PICCALILLISpiccalillis n. Plural of piccalilli.
PICCALILLI n. a mixed-vegetable pickle in a mustard sauce.
RACIALISTICracialistic adj. Of or pertaining to racialism or racism.
RACIALISTIC adj. relating to racialism.
SACRIFICIALsacrificial adj. Relating to sacrifice.
sacrificial adj. Used as a sacrifice.
SACRIFICIAL adj. of or like a sacrifice.
SOCIALISTICsocialistic adj. Of or relating to socialism.
socialistic adj. Having socialist tendencies.
SOCIALISTIC adj. related to socialism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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