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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, H, L, O and R

CARTOPHILICcartophilic adj. Taking part in, or relating to, the hobby of collecting cigarette cards.
cartophilic adj. Taking part in, or relating to, the hobby of mapmaking.
CARTOPHILIC adj. relating to cartophily, the hobby of collecting cigarette cards.
CHANCELLORSchancellors n. Plural of chancellor.
Chancellors n. Plural of Chancellor.
CHANCELLOR n. the secretary of a nobleman, prince, or king.
CHANCELLORYchancellory n. Alternative spelling of chancellery.
CHANCELLORY n. the position, court, or department of a chancellor, also CHANCELLERY.
CHANCROIDALchancroidal adj. Relating to chancroid.
CHANCROIDAL adj. of or like a chancroid, a type of venereal sore.
CHARCOALIERCHARCOALY adj. like charcoal.
CHARCOALINGcharcoaling v. Present participle of charcoal.
CHARCOAL v. to draw or blacken with charcoal.
CHLORACETICchloracetic adj. Alternative form of chloroacetic.
CHLORACETIC adj. an acid made by chlorinating acetic acid, also CHLOROACETIC.
CHOCOLATIERchocolatier adj. Comparative form of chocolatey: more chocolatey.
chocolatier adj. Comparative form of chocolaty: more chocolaty.
chocolatier n. A producer of chocolate.
CHRONICALLYchronically adv. In a chronic manner, or to a chronic degree.
chronically adv. Extremely.
CHRONICAL adv. chronic, long-lasting.
CHRYSOCOLLAchrysocolla n. (Mineralogy) A vitreous silicate mineral that is a minor ore of copper, with the chemical formula (Cu…
CHRYSOCOLLA n. a hydrated silicate of copper usually occurring as green opaline crusts and masses.
CLARICHORDSclarichords n. Plural of clarichord.
CLARICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument in which the tangent striking the string and producing the sound also determines the vibrating length, also CLAVICHORD.
CLAVICHORDSclavichords n. Plural of clavichord.
CLAVICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument, also CLARICHORD.
CYCLOGRAPHScyclographs n. Plural of cyclograph.
CYCLOGRAPH n. an instrument for describing arcs of circles without compasses.
MICROCEPHALMICROCEPHAL n. someone having a very small head.
MOLECATCHERmolecatcher n. A person who traps and kills moles.
molecatcher n. (Slang, now rare, archaic) The vagina.
MOLECATCHER n. a person whose business is to catch moles.
MONARCHICALmonarchical adj. Of or pertaining to a monarch or monarchy.
monarchical adj. Having sole or undivided authority.
MONARCHICAL adj. relating to monarchy, also MONARCHIAL.
OCHLOCRATICochlocratic adj. Pertaining to ochlocracy.
OCHLOCRATIC adj. relating to ochlocracy, rule by the mob, also OCHLOCRATICAL.
OCTACHORDALOCTACHORDAL adj. relating to an octachord.
PROCEPHALICprocephalic adj. (Zoology) Relating to, or forming, the front of the head.
PROCEPHALIC adj. pertaining to the front of the head.
SCHOOLCRAFTschoolcraft n. The art or practice of education.
Schoolcraft prop.n. A surname.
SCHOOLCRAFT n. (archaic) learning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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