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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, G, 2N and O

ACCOUNTINGSaccountings n. Plural of accounting.
ACCOUNTING n. the setting up, maintaining and analysing of financial records.
CANTICOYINGCANTICOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also KANTIKOY, CANTICO.
CARCINOGENScarcinogens n. Plural of carcinogen.
CARCINOGEN n. an agent causing cancer.
COANCHORINGcoanchoring v. Present participle of coanchor.
COANCHOR v. to present televised news reports jointly.
COCAINISINGcocainising v. Present participle of cocainise.
COCAINISE v. to anaesthetise with cocaine, also COCAINIZE.
COCAINIZINGcocainizing v. Present participle of cocainize.
COCAINIZE v. to anaesthetise with cocaine, also COCAINISE.
COFINANCINGcofinancing v. Present participle of cofinance.
COFINANCE v. to finance in collaboration with another.
COGNISANCEScognisances n. Plural of cognisance.
COGNISANCE n. knowledge or notice, judicial or private, also COGNIZANCE.
COGNIZANCEScognizances n. Plural of cognizance.
COGNIZANCE n. knowledge or notice, judicial or private, also COGNISANCE.
CONCREATINGconcreating v. Present participle of concreate.
CONCREATE v. (archaic) to create at the same time.
CONCUBINAGEconcubinage n. The state of cohabiting or living together as man and woman while not married.
concubinage n. The state of being or keeping a concubine.
CONCUBINAGE n. the cohabitation of persons not legally married.
CONTRACTINGcontracting v. Present participle of contract.
contracting adj. Getting smaller; drawing itself together into a smaller area.
contracting n. The act of something that contracts or shrinks; contraction.
CONVOCATINGconvocating v. Present participle of convocate.
CONVOCATE v. to convoke; to call together.
ENCROACHINGencroaching adj. That encroaches.
encroaching v. Present participle of encroach.
ENCROACH v. to intrude on another's territory.
INCOGITANCYincogitancy n. A lack of thought or thinking.
INCOGITANCY n. the state of being incogitant, thoughtless.
OCCASIONINGoccasioning v. Present participle of occasion.
OCCASION v. to cause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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