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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, E, I, N and V

CAPTIVANCEScaptivances n. Plural of captivance.
CAPTIVANCE n. (Spenser) captivity, also CAPTIVAUNCE.
CHEVISANCESchevisances n. Plural of chevisance.
CHEVISANCE n. (obsolete) resource; achievement; gain.
CLAVECINISTclavecinist n. A musician who plays the clavecin.
CLAVECINIST n. one who plays the clavecin.
CONCAVITIESconcavities n. Plural of concavity.
CONCAVITY n. the state of being concave.
CONCEIVABLEconceivable adj. Capable of being conceived or imagined.
CONCEIVABLE adj. that can be conceived of.
CONCEIVABLYconceivably adv. In a conceivable manner; possibly.
CONCEIVABLE adv. that can be conceived of.
CONNIVANCESconnivances n. Plural of connivance.
CONNIVANCE n. the act of conniving, also CONNIVANCY.
CONTRACTIVEcontractive adj. Able to contract; contractile.
CONTRACTIVE adj. tending to contract.
CONTRIVANCEcontrivance n. A (mechanical) device to perform a certain task.
contrivance n. A means, such as an elaborate plan or strategy, to accomplish a certain objective.
contrivance n. Something overly artful or artificial.
CONVICTABLEconvictable adj. Capable of being convicted.
CONVICTABLE adj. that can be convicted, also CONVICTIBLE.
CONVOCATIVECONVOCATIVE adj. relating to convocation.
COVALENCIEScovalencies n. Plural of covalency.
COVALENCY n. the union of a pair of atoms by the sharing of a pair of electrons, one from each atom, also COVALENCE.
COVARIANCEScovariances n. Plural of covariance.
COVARIANCE n. the property of varying concomitantly.
CRACOVIENNEcracovienne n. A dance, the krakowiak.
CRACOVIENNE n. (Polish) a lively Polish dance, also KRAKOWIAK.
INCULCATIVEinculcative adj. Serving to inculcate.
INCULCATIVE adj. serving to inculcate.
REVACCINATErevaccinate v. To vaccinate again.
REVACCINATE v. to vaccinate again.
VICARIANCESvicariances n. Plural of vicariance.
VICARIANCE n. fragmentation of the environment, e.g. by plate tectonic splitting, as opposed to dispersal as a mechanism for biological evolution.
VOCIFERANCEvociferance n. (Rare) Vociferation; clamour, noise.
VOCIFERANCE n. clamour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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